Monday 18th January – Numeracy
Everyone watch the above You Tube video link below. This is a simple reminder of how we tell the time. It might be worth watching again this week if you find yourself becoming a bit stuck.
‘Pic 1’ 12 hour time. Write each time of the four times in three different ways, analogue (draw a clock face for this one) digital and written out in words.
‘Pic 2’ Using the words ‘past’ and ‘to’ to describe the time. Follow the path and write each time shown in two ways, as shown in the example in a).
‘Pic 3’ Work with an adult as your partner and write at least ten important dater down from the calendar. Remember to state the day, the date and the month.
‘On Tuesday the 12th of November it is Ms Cameron’s birthday.’ [😉]
keep a note today of the different times you do things, such as start your maths activities, have your live lesson, have your lunch etc. You could illustrate this. Use digital OR analogue.
With an adult, can you check that you understand what o’clock and half past look like on an analogue clock?
Write down your two times table and say it as quickly as you can.
Please look back t last week’s tasks and catch up if you missed them. (On the calendar)