For your activity today, you will need the number flash cards sent home previously.
*Get an adult to mix them up so that you can put them in a row, in the correct order, starting with the smallest number. Do this a few times to get faster. Can they time you? What was the quickest time you managed?
*Once they are in the correct order, close your eyes and get an adult to turn one of the numbers over. Open your eyes, which one is missing? Repeat this for different numbers. If you find this too easy, try turning over two, three or four numbers each time.
*Repeat the two steps above but this time put the numbers in decreasing order starting with number 10.
*Treasure Hunt – spread your numbers out. Can you find groups of objects to put beside each number. E.g. 1 – 1 cushion, 2 – 2 spoons, 3 – 3 toy cars
- In your jotter write a row of each number. A row of 0, a row of 1 etc. Do at least 6 of each number. Make sure you take your time to do the correct formation and make it really neat.