Hillington Primary School


Covid-19 Guidance for parents of children in schools

Main symptoms of Covid-19 – temperature, new cough, loss of taste or smell

What do I do if my child is ill at home?

First of all, do not leave the house. It is vital that you do not send your child to school if they or any members of the family have any of these symptoms. If you have other children then they also should not attend school. Please inform the school of the reason for your child’s absence.

Who do I contact?

If you or your child has any Covid-19 symptoms (no matter how mild) then you should go online to NHS inform website for information and you must to arrange a test.

If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms ( if they are more severe) call NHS 111.

What happens next?

Tests will be arranged for you and are available either at the nearest drive through centres and through the post. NHS will advise you what to do. Do not leave the house unless going for a drive through test. Test results should be with you within 48 hours. The test is only reliable if you have coronavirus symptoms. You should be tested on the first 3 days of symptoms appearing.

Test and Protect Public Health

Currently if the infected person tests positive then they must stay at home for 10 days

Other family/ household members who live with the infected person ( who do not have symptoms) must stay at home for 14 days from the date the infected persons symptoms started.

What happens if others in the family become unwell?

 If others in the household develop symptoms they need to stay at home for 10 days from the day the symptoms started. This is even if it takes them over the 14 day isolation period.

What about others my family have been in contact with?

The Track and Trace procedures will be initiated by NHS and Public Health and the contacts of those with a positive test result will be alerted.

What will happen if my child is ill at school?

If your child becomes symptomatic in school, you will be asked to collect your child immediately. All emergency contact details on annual data check need to be updated to enable this to happen.    

Please keep this information to refer to-thank you.

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