Highpark Primary and LCR

Break and Lunch Information

Better Eating, Better Learning

At Highpark Primary and LCR, we value Glasgow City Council’s ‘Better Eating, Better Learning’ Policy, promoting healthy choices during the day to ensure our pupils are ready to learn in their classes.

Throughout the school day, pupils have two intervals between learning sessions, break and lunch time.

10:30am – 10:45am

We encourage a healthy snack at break, preferably one that is low in sugar. Pupils are also encouraged to bring a water bottle to school, ensuring they are hydrated throughout the day.
Fizzy juice and Energy Drinks are not allowed to be consumed during this school, as this can distract pupils from effectively learning in their classes.

12:15am – 1:00pm

It agreed that our infant classes will enter the Dinner Hall at 12:00pm to allow time for our younger pupils to order and eat independently. Our infant teachers are also present to support with your child with making their lunch choice, whilst also encourage positive social interaction during lunch.

Fuel Zone
Our school kitchen during lunch is operated by Fuel Zone, providing a rotational menu that caters for all pupils, including Halal and Vegetarian options.

We would encourage parents and carer to visit Fuel Zone to help prepare children with the choices of meals that are available each day. You can access the site by clicking here.

Further Information

Currently all Primary 1 – 4 pupils will be in receipt of a Free Meal at lunch.
For pupils in Primary 5 – 7, and not in receipt of a Free School Meal, the price of a school meal or packed lunch is £1.90

Arrangements can be made for those children with special dietary needs and the Head Teacher should be informed immediately. Children who bring packed lunches to school can eat them in the dining room.

Breakfast Club

We offer breakfast club in our dining hall each school day.

It is open from 8:05 – 8:40am and offers a healthy breakfast to all. Price is currently £2.00 per pupils per day unless the child is in receipt of Free Meals Entitlement in which case it is free. More information can be obtained from contacting the school office.


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