Tag Archives: Library clubs

April @ St. Andrew’s

We had loads on this month, including our final author visit as part of the Library Young Team – SLIF project (funded by the Scottish Government). We also have a new club, the rebirth of an old one plus the establishment of a School Library Council.

Graeme Armstrong at St. Andrew’s!

This month we were delighted to welcome Graeme Armstrong, author of the highly acclaimed The Young Team, to the school as our final LYT author.

Hes poke about his book and the ‘story behind the story’ which included some emotional and also inspiring aspects of his life growing up as a gang member and how he found his way out.

 Our S3s were absolutely captivated and our only five copies of his book went just moments after the talk concluded.

Games Club!

Our pupil helpers have established a new board and card games club! This will be on every Wednesday lunchtime and pupils have the chance to play any of our board and card games available in the library. We are hoping to add more

Other news

Thanks to our librarian colleagues who selected some bonus books from Waterstones for our schools. The selection at St. Andrew’s has gone down a storm already and provides the pupils with plenty of new books to keep them going until the summer holidays!

The Manga Club is also back! Due to popular demand, the club will take place in Ms. Glass’ room right across the corridor from us. I will be working with the pupils who organise the club to provide new reading material, games and activities!

On Tuesday (30th), we had our inaugural Library Council meeting. Unfortunately due to being off on study leave, our senior members couldn’t make it but our younger contingency came up with some excellent suggestions. Some exciting changes coming soon!


Book Group @Holyrood Secondary

Logo by Hunnah & Fabia

‘Chapter Chats’ is our new pupil-led, super friendly Book Group for anyone who loves reading. Started by Fabia and Hunnah in S3, we meet in the Library after school on Mondays. Drop in for a quick and friendly book chat. Our meetings last for about 15 mins. ….. perfect if you’re rushing home to do your homework or make the dinner. Everyone is welcome, both young people and staff.


Some of the books we’ve been chatting about :

What I’m reading ……

‘Yellowface’ by R. F. Huang – an unusual and gripping plot line about a young author who will stop at nothing to succeed. Themes include cultural appropriation, addiction to social media, plagiarism and becoming so lost in a lie you even start to convince yourself!

Just discovered our young people are reading Rebecca Huang too:)

Sharing books at Chapter Chat group

Other events

We had great fun with Design a Book Token competition for World Book Day. These designs by Maha and Victoria won joint 1st prize for S1. All entries have also been sent away to the national competition. Well done everyone, fantastic work.

Special thanks to our brilliant S6 Khola, Claire & Fahima who decorated the display board,  and presented prizes to all the winners at our lunchtime celebration. (Fahima is just out of photo as she’s chatting with and encouraging our S1 pupils).

S6 Guest helpers

A fond farewell to all our S6. Their contribution to library events, book groups, paired reading, artwork, general fun, kindness and laughter has been much valued. Exciting times ahead !

“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” Paulo Coelho

September @ St. Andrew’s

We’re back for another school year and have lots of things to update everyone on!

Library move/refurb

After our move to English 4, we have moved again! This time to a much larger space. We are currently awaiting a full refurb of the library but once this is done, we look forward to bringing back our full programme of clubs and events – no less the Manga Club! Watch this space for updates.

S1 Inductions

September was a month for meeting and getting to know our new S1s. It was great having them down for their library inductions and there were a lot of keen readers amongst them.

ProQuest/GALE sessions

We are already underway with our research skills workshops as Advanced Higher Drama got their first ProQuest/GALE/Oxford DNB session of the year. We are hoping to continue this with both Social Subjects and English classes next month.


Next Month

October will see us continue with our class borrowing periods for all S1 to S3 pupils and work with S6 paired readers. As the new S1s get their iPads, we are looking to begin Libby/Borrowbox sessions to promote our online resources. October also marks Black History Month (UK) and we will have a pupil-curated display in the library to mark this.

Storytelling for Mental Health project/Book Week Scotland 2022

November was a very busy month in the library. Not only did we have Book Week Scotland, but we also had a trip to the Mitchell library and our Storytelling Group have also been busy!


Book Week Scotland/Metaphrog trip

Our theme for Book Week Scotland was ‘Scotland’s Stories’ so we decided the best thing to celebrate Scottish stories was to set up a literary map of Scotland! From the Borders to Shetland,  the Western Isles to Edinburgh, we displayed a wide range of stories set in Scotland.





We also took the opportunity to take some of our S1s to the Mitchell for a talk and exhibition by Glasgow-based comic artists Metaphrog. Everyone had a great morning and hopefully some budding comic book artists took some inspiration!


Storytelling Group

We also continued our weekly storytelling group this month. Over the last few weeks we had been working with Lego and some other crafty materials to create our own characters. Once we had done this, we then gave them a back story, including a habitat, likes/dislikes and even thought about any quests or antics they would get up to. There were some excellent creations with one of out pupils even drawing out a whole map of their characters’ world!

November updates!

Welcome back to the Gaelic School blog!

We have had a lot on recently, with more to come in the coming months. Check back here for news on author visits, Book week Scotland and other library-related news.

Storytelling for Mental Health

We are finally underway with our Storytelling group! Over the course of the school year, our  group will be engaging in various storytelling-related activities including games, crafts, reading and much much more. Aside from mental health, a key theme of the group is ‘diversity’. We will be giving updates on what the group have been up to here, so don’t miss it!

For our first session, we got everyone to pair off, tell each other an amusing or interesting story about themselves and the other had to re-tell it but be…economical with the truth. It was a lot of fun and we had some excellent stories. As with every session, we get the pupils to describe how they are feeling in one word at the start and end by scanning a QR code (pictured) and entering it into a linked form.



Book Tok display

Introducing our new permanent display: Book Tok! Come down and find some of the top trending books and authors.

Celebrating our different cultures

Hello readers, 

 April has marked the beginning of our EAL Reading project, supported by the Scottish Government School Library Improvement Fund.  We are one of the many Glasgow school libraries taking part, guided by the wonderful Ms DeLeavey – librarian at St Margaret Mary Secondary School and Shawlands Academy – who has tirelessly been working on it. 

As school librarians we have also taken part diverse and very informative training by different stakeholders, such as the Glasgow City Council EAL Unit and the Scottish Refugee Library.  This solid basis, and the support of Mr Gibson – Knightswood Secondary School EAL teacher – has given Ms Spaltro the right incentive to start the reading club with a group of S2 pupils. But also a multicultural club, ‘Culture Vulture’, co-lead with Miss Di Rollo, German and Spanish teacher.

Since April, the group has largely grown and while we have been all been improving our English – included the librarian – we have also learnt a lot about each other’s cultures; while reading  ‘Eagle Warrior’ by Gill Lewis. A great reading for those who seek to know more about Scottish culture and countryside.

Our weekly schedule looks like this: reading group on Wednesdays, and Culture Vulture on Thursdays at lunch, open to everyone. The topics of the club meetings have been: favourite place in Glasgow, different idioms compared, and Fashion in different countries. 

Thus far, the pupils’ commitment has been outstanding, but this was only a small part of the whole project. Stay tuned to know what’s boiling in the pot – as we say in Italy!

Summer in Lourdes Secondary Library

Well done to all pupils and staff for making it through the year, and through the last difficult few months! You all deserve a great summer holiday! To all the pupils leaving this year, I’m so sorry not to have seen you to say goodbye properly, but I wish you all the best for the future – I’m sure you’ll all do great things and have wonderful lives. The important thing to do is to relax and enjoy this next stage of your life.

Because lockdown is continuing in some form, although it’s being gradually reduced, the library will remain open to you in its current virtual form over the holidays. Opening hours are 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. This may change sometimes, if I’m taking a few days off or have school librarians meetings, but I will post it on your Teams and on the library’s social media if the library will be closed for a day or more.

You can contact Miss O’Neill by email at gw16oneilkathleenmar@glow.ea.glasgow.sch.uk, on your Teams, and through the library social media. The Twitter handle is @liblourdes and the Instagram handle is @lourdeslibrary. You can also follow the library mascot, Boba Felephant, on Instagram at @bobafelephant.

School Clubs

The Role-Playing Games Club will continue throughout the summer, with a new group for the new S1 pupils starting. There will also be a Summer Reading Challenge-themed programme running for the new S1 pupils, starting on Monday 29 June. S1s, and their younger family members, can register to take part in the official Summer Reading Challenge activities as well; the theme this year is the Silly Squad, so we can look forward to a daft summer!

If there is enough interest from pupils, I’m thinking about setting up a Storytelling Club to run once a fortnight over the summer, and to continue it once school opens again in August. It won’t only be creative writing, but also comics, films, coding, and other media that you would like to use. Please get in touch by email if you would like to be part of it.

The Online Library

You can access a range of resources free via Glasgow Libraries: https://www.glasgowlife.org.uk/libraries/online-library. All you need is your library card number and PIN – if you don’t know these, please contact me. Note: new S1 pupils, your cards are not yet ready, but I will let you know once you are all registered. If you have a Glasgow community libraries card, you can use that.

  • eBooks: use Overdrive and Borrowbox.
  • Audiobooks: use Overdrive, Borrowbox, and RB Digital
  • eMagazines: use RB Digital
  • eMusic: use Freegal

There is a great range of resources to help you with study, research into your hobbies, business ideas, family history, and more. If you’re learning to drive, you can practice for the theory test. These are available here: https://libcat.csglasgow.org/web/arena/eresources. You can also access user guides to the various resources on this page, but please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about any of these resources.

I look forward to seeing you all in school in August. I don’t know yet what form the library will take. If we still need to socially distance, you will be able to request library books which will be delivered to you, and there will be books available in your English classroom. I will also be giving you book recommendations. I’ll keep you updated here on the blog, with the links to any blog posts being added to your Teams, and all information shared on library social media.

FInally – again – I, along with Boba Felephant, Albert von Einskull, and library kitten Mad Madame Mim, hope that you enjoy your holidays! Surely nobody can have as bad a holiday as Sweeney Todd being taken to the beach by Mrs Lovett (tee hee).