Primary 2b Curriculum Newsletter
Please click on the link below to view our classes Curriculum Newsletter. We would like to draw your attention to our classes attendance and late coming information. Late-coming and poor attendance is a big concern at Camstradden Primary. We would like to encourage all families to ensure children arrive in school on time each. This is also our whole school New Year Resolution for 2023.
Please help us to improve late-coming and attendance by ensuring your child arrives in school on time each day.
Primary 2a Curriculum Newsletter
Please click on the link below to view our classes Curriculum Newsletter. We would like to draw your attention to our classes attendance and late coming information. Late-coming and poor attendance is a big concern at Camstradden Primary. We would like to encourage all families to ensure children arrive in school on time each. This is also our whole school New Year Resolution for 2023.
Please help us to improve late-coming and attendance by ensuring your child arrives in school on time each day.
Primary 1b Curriculum Newsletter
Please click on the link below to view our classes Curriculum Newsletter. We would like to draw your attention to our classes attendance and late coming information. Late-coming and poor attendance is a big concern at Camstradden Primary. We would like to encourage all families to ensure children arrive in school on time each. This is also our whole school New Year Resolution for 2023.
Please help us to improve late-coming and attendance by ensuring your child arrives in school on time each day.
Primary 1a Curriculum Newsletter
Please click on the link below to view our classes Curriculum Newsletter. We would like to draw your attention to our classes attendance and late coming information. Late-coming and poor attendance is a big concern at Camstradden Primary. We would like to encourage all families to ensure children arrive in school on time each. This is also our whole school New Year Resolution for 2023.
Please help us to improve late-coming and attendance by ensuring your child arrives in school on time each day.
After school clubs in Term 3
After school clubs will restart next week (week beginning 23rd January). See below for list of clubs. Children will be given the opportunity to sign up this week and permission letters will be sent out before the end of this week. Sorry for the delay; this was due to staff absence.
What’s happening in Primary 2
School Closure – Monday 16th January 2023
Due to Industrial Action our school will be closed to pupils on Monday the 16th of January 2023. The school will reopen for children on Tuesday the 17th of January 2023.
P3’s Science
Primary 3 had great fun learning about food chains and how animals and plants depend on each other for food. We explored skulls, wings, claws, beaks and teeth to decide what animal/bird it might be from. All creatures are specially made to get what they need to eat.
Primary 2 Learning Showcase
Primary 2a and Primary 2b are hosting their learning showcase at assembly on Friday the 20th of January 2023. We would like to invite all Primary 2 parents to this event which will start at 9.15am. We look forward to seeing you there.