Category Archives: Business Education

Ross McEwan interview on BBC Radio Scotland

A free business accelerator hub is housed in Royal Bank of Scotland’s global headquarters in Gogar, Edinburgh.  It was launched in partnership with KPMG and supported by Entrepreneurial Spark. This is an interview on BBC Radio Scotland with RBS Chief Executive Ross McEwan about the bank’s support for entrepreneurship

To find out more visit

Ken Barclay from Royal Bank of Scotland comes back to visit!

We are delighted that Ken Barclay, the Corporate Head of the Royal Bank of Scotland came to join us once more to support young people in Business Management courses.

His talk was very interesting and engaging and pupils benefitted hugely from this, gaining a real insight into working for a business at the very highest level.

Thanks so much to Ken for giving up his valuable time to help support our pupils!

Ken Barclay, Chairman of RBS, comes back to visit Business students

Early in the new year, Higher Business Management pupils will get the chance to question Ken Barclay, the Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland.

This will be Ken’s second visit to the Bellahouston Academy, and he will share some of his experiences ofthe business world with our pupils, helping our young people to understand the issues and solutions that make businesses work.

We look forward to his visit!



Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning Success

Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 011Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 017Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 009Micro-Tyco Staff Coffee Morning 012

S3 pupils who are raising funds for Micro-Tyco project during the month of November put on a fantastic spread of cakes for staff to raise funds for this great cause.

Find out more about micro-tyco project, visit

Pupils are continuing to raise funds throughout November.

Staff Coffee Morning  – Feedback from Staff

“Fabulous – nice presentation”

“Wonderful quality of cakes”

“Amazing selection of cakes”

“well organised”

“Nice greeting and we liked how we could pick up a coffee on the way in”

“Great that all the teachers get to meet up”


Bella Business Education Students enter the Dragons’ Den


Senior Business Management and Administration pupils listened to pitches from several budding School Uniform Suppliers.

These pupils put the suppliers through their paces to ensure that they were providing a uniform of quality for the Bellahouston Academy community.

They weighed up the pros and cons of each supplier and ensured that needs were met, and made recommendations as to why each supplier should be chosen. Pupils played an active role in this decision and we look forward to seeing the results of their decision making skills!