P2a have been busy!!

This week in literacy we have been learning all about magic ‘e’. It changes the sound of vowels to their letter name. We have been focusing on ‘i_e’. During writing we have been looking at characters and their descriptions.

Not even the fire alarm and standing in the rain stopped us enjoying our paired reading with P6. We cant wait to take our favourite books to read with them next time.


In maths we have been learning how to round to the nearest  10. We learned a rhyme to help us,

“Zero to four slide to the floor, five to nine climb the vine”

We have also been learning about measure. Ridhwan told us measuring is what we do to check the size of something. P2 have been measuring using different things. Take a look at us hard at work.


We are looking forward to Learning for Sustainability week next week! Our timetable is looking really busy!




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