Sense Over Sectarianism Workshop

On Monday afternoon our P7s joined forces with the P7 class from St Martha’s and participated in the first of three workshops on sectarianism. Two visitors called Mark and Scott talked to us about different words relating to sectarianism such as:  Prejudice, discrimination, and sectarianism. We had to work together with St Martha’s to discuss and brainstorm all these different meanings, and share  examples with the rest of the group.

Prejudice is judging someone based on what they look like, what they are wearing, the colour of their skin, or their religion. – Lewis

Discrimination is  treating someone differently based on their religion, race, gender etc, it could be as a simple as not playing with them or something more serious. – Aidan

Sectarianism is when two different sections of a religion of the same faith have negative thoughts or judgements about one another. – Hayley

The P7s were all very responsible and showed a lot of interest and knowledge in this matter. We are looking forward to going to visit St Martha’s next week.


Have a look at some of the photos from our first workshop.














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