End of year achievements with the Literacy Team

Well everyone, what a very quick and eventful four months we have had here in the Challenge room.

We  are really excited about what we have accomplished and are exceptionally proud of the children who we work with.

Here is a quick list of some of our highlights –

Soft Start P1 and P2

Pre Reading workshop – for adults

Rhyme and Phonological Awareness workshop – For P1 parents


All children in P1 – 7 fully assessed in reading and writing

Playing With Sounds input in Primary 1

Bookbug – books read and bags issued to P1

Read, Write and Count – bags gifted to P2-P3

First Minister Reading Challenge P4- P7

Getting Started Programme introduced to P4 children

Paired Reading programmes – Led throughout term 2 by middle school

Money and support raised in aid of Macmillan

Parent Bookswap on Thursday afternoon


Whoo whoop here’s to many more exciting adventures next year. Many thanks to you all for your continued support and help throughout the year.

Happy Christmas to you all ..

Mrs Woolfries Mrs Harris






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