Another Jam Packed Week in Primary 7a

This week we have been super busy doing all our usual hard work as well as practising our art skills in preparation for the Christmas fayre next week.

In maths we have started a new money topic and will be looking at budgets and profit and loss next week! Ahmed thinks it will be  interesting and is looking forward to it.

We are still really enjoying reading Coraline and have been looking at different types of  comprehension questions. There are inferential questions which involve reading between the lines and looking for clues, literal questions have the answer right there in the text, and evaluative or personal questions which are about your own ideas.  We find inferential questions the hardest, so will keep practising them!

Here we are practising our henna designs for the Christmas fayre – come along and get your own design for the bargain price of 50p  next Friday at 1pm!


After some serious competition and intense voting from the Balornock  staff a winner and runner up for the Eco-House design competition was finally decided! Congratulations Morgan and Alesha for coming first place, and well done Calum for being the runner up! Everybody worked really hard on their designs, it was a very tough choice have the staff! Have a look at the houses below!

Have a lovely weekend!

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