This week in P2a…

This week in P2a we have had visits from lots of teachers. Mrs McMillan came in to help is with our sentence writing. We became weather reporters and we wrote sentences about the weather for each day of the week.

Carly – ‘I know to use capital letters at the start of my sentences now’

Mrs Woolfries visited our class and was teaching us all about rhyme. We heard a rhyming story and some of us learned new rhyming words.

Leia – ‘I liked the rhyming story’

We had a visit from our music teacher and she taught us all about music from Scotland, China and Brazil. Here are some pictures of us listening to Scottish music and playing some Brazillian music.

Lacey – ‘The bagpipes are Scottish. you blow air into the bag and squeeze it to make music.’

In Maths we have been learning about place value.

Cailen – ‘I know about tens and units now’

Lamar – ‘I enjoyed playing our tens and units game’

We have enjoyed drama with Mrs Hendrick this week.

Carla  – ‘I enjoyed the magic circle. We listened to music as we walked about and we couldn’t let go of each others hands.’


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