Wednesday 20th May

Afternoon P7! Today is a lovely sunny day, why not try and get out in the sun for half an hour. Go a walk with the family, read a book outside or play a game with your siblings.
I know alot of you are observing Ramadan just know. I would just like to say well done.  The sacrifices  you are making and the discipline you have is amazing.

Todays tasks

Have a look at this weeks assembly



Today I thought I would post a division worksheet. This is a little bit of revision for you all. Have a go and let me know how you get on.


I thought I would post a story starter. I would like you to write a short story with my sentence being the first sentence of your story. I have had great response from other short stories you have written, so I am looking forward to seeing what you can come up with.

story starter – Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs. The bedroom door handle turned slowly.

missing you all!
Miss O’Donnell 🤗

11 thoughts on “Wednesday 20th May”

  1. Hi miss O’Donnell how r u
    I’m going to do yesterday’s work then today’s work I’m behind 😂

  2. Hi miss how r u ? I go in the balcony for 30 minutes a day sometimes i do yoga or play with my sister when i am indoors i pretend i am my sisters teacher by helping her colour or encouraging her to say some words and how to play with a doll and she is acting upon it she says : papa ,dad , dada (grandfather in urdu ),phopho (dads sister in urdu ), boil and random things like i dont care and she is very naughty and when she is asleep i try to do some painting ill email you some pictures when i remember !

  3. Hi miss how are you miss when are we getting the p7 hoody’s I did some homework 📚 miss Hi aliza and Tahira how you’s ?😇

  4. Hi miss O’Donnell and Aliza
    I’m good ty Aliza hbu
    Miss I’m going to send u some pictures of my drawing to post on the blog coz I have been doing loads of drawing

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