Highlights of our week📚✏️📝

This week we created our own songs about slavery.  Miss O’Donnell gave us the option to either create a rap or a song. We could use songs which we knew such as Shotgun or create our own beat and tunes. This was fantastic as we had the freedom to play around with instruments  and work with people we don’t usually work with. We also go to put peoples talents to good use, as Rabia was able to show of her incredible beatboxing skills 🤪 

In maths this week we focused on fractions as well as applying our previously learned knowledge. Three stations were based on fractions, and two were based on things we had already learned, as well as having an iPad station  were we were able to access Sumdog.


On Thursday we had a visit from Rangers football club. They were in to talk to us about racism and sectarianism. We talked about how appearance should not play a role in the job you want in the future, and how we should not judge anybody!!!

Finally primary 7 wish miss Hunter all the best in her new married life. We loved celebrating with her on Wednesday

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