Secondary School Transition

Here are 5 very helpful and useful videos from Holyrood to tell you some things about the school. I know not all of you are going to Holyrood but it is useful to hear things about any secondary school just now so have a watch and then we can chat about it in the comments on this blog.






For  those of you who are going to Bellahouston, here is a little tour of the school. Copy the link onto a new web page and you will be able to see what the school is like inside.

if this doesn’t work you can google Bellahouston academy tour and the video will come up.

Miss O’Donnell 🤗

One thought on “Secondary School Transition”

  1. How are you miss I don’t think everyone is going to the school of choice I think they’re all going Holyrood because that’s what Mr Stewart said to us and you need to appeal to go to another one and I have

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