Wednesday 13th May

Morning P7! Hope we are all well.  What have you all been up to? I would love if you could comment on the blog today and let me know how you are doing and what you have been up to. Remember you can send me pictures of what you have been up to and I will share with the class on Fridays blog.

Riddle- what goes up but doesn’t come back down?


Today I thought I would post some questions about profit and loss. Just like last weeks word problems you have to select the correct operation to successfully answer the question. Have a go and let me know how you get on.

I also thought I would post a word search for you to try. This word search is all about school. Let me know if you liked doing this task and I can post more word searches as the weeks go on. Enjoy

Missing you all!
Miss O’Donnell 🤗

8 thoughts on “Wednesday 13th May”

  1. Hi miss how are you I have been cooking and doing lots activities from the blog and the answer to the riddle is your age

  2. Hi Tahira when are you commenting on the blog and are you excited for Eid I am

    And miss can you post some arts and crafts please

  3. Hi miss O’Donnell and Aliza how r u?
    Yes I am SUPER excited for eid!!! 😆
    Yeah can we get some art and crafts work plz
    I enjoyed he word search can we get more plz

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