🌍Happy Earth day🌍

Happy Wednesday ☺️

I have loved receiving emails from some of you, it’s great to know what you have been getting up to. Since it is another lovely day, I decided to get up earlier and head out for a walk. Look how blue the sky is!

I am going to start posting different tasks for you to try relating to maths and health and well-being. Remember you do not need to do all the tasks but it is good to keep your mind active during this time.


Here are two worksheets that involve simplifying fractions. Remember when you are simplifying, whatever you do to the top you must do to same to the bottom number. So the numerator and denominator must be divided by the same number. Try some questions from each worksheet and let me know you get on.

Health and wellbeing 

Today is Earth Day🌍 why not try this challenge with your family and let me know how you get on.

while trying this challenge you could try and keep active for the hour. This could involve going a walk with the family or playing a family game.  Here is an example of a game you could play:As I mentioned I have been trying to exercise  more during this time. I decided to challenge myself and try the Tik Tok  T-shirt challenge. I know from Lockerbie that some of you love Tik Tok so I thought I would give it a go. Has anybody else tried the fitness challenges? They are so hard😆



Have a nice day ☺️🌞

7 thoughts on “🌍Happy Earth day🌍”

  1. Hi Miss I just wanted to say that for the word search that Mrs Dunnett made there’s a few different ones and the one that I got printed by my dad is the one that doesn’t have all the teacher’s name but on the other blogs that word search is different and has other teachers names so what should I do ?

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