Riddles and place value

Good morning❤️

You  guys are amazing at answering riddles, so today I thought it would post three tricky riddles for you to try. Again leave your answers in the comments

1) What answer can you never answer yes ?

2) What has a neck but no head?

3) What has to be broken before you can use it?

Place value

I thought I would post some worksheets about place value, sometimes we find this tricky as we can say a number but find it difficult to read the number aloud.  The worksheets will ask you to read , write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000. Have a go and let me know how you get on☺️

Last thing, I was thinking we could have a weekly photo blog.  If everyone emailed me a picture of something they have done over the week, then on a Friday I could post everyone’s pictures onto the blog. This means you guys could see what your friends have been up to. This is only an idea, let me know if it is something you would like to do☺️

missing you all!!!!

Miss O’Donnell❤️❤️

12 thoughts on “Riddles and place value”

  1. Miss can we do an online leavers assembly by script on the blog and send u our pictures and video of us speaking our part and u can make it a movie and post it on Twitter

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