Dancing our way through P7

This week was a busy week with a visit to holyrood and a trip to the emirates arena, as well as fun filled literacy and maths activities.

This week in literacy we focused on poetry, looking at the theme of freedom. This was very interesting as we got to create a poem based on what we think it is like to be free. Additionally, we had a visit from Ben the storyteller. He told us a ย very interesting story about freedom and power ย and what it would be like if we had our freedom taken away.

On Tuesday 8 primary 7,s ( Aaron, Hamza, Saad, Rayan, Malaika, Raeesah, Rabab and Rabia) represented St alberts in an athletics competition in the Emirates arena. Well done to all who took park, especially Rabab for her super speed!

On Wednesday we were invited to Holyrood to attend an event run by the sixth year sports leaders. Here we learned 6 traditionally Scottish dances. This was a fun experience as we were able to chat to other children from difference to schools.

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