Book Swap on World Book Day πŸ“–πŸ“š

Our school reclaimed World Book Day this year.

We said no to dressing up and each wore a white T-shirt to show we were all in agreement that World Book Day should just be a fancy dress party and it isn’t about spending money on a costume to wear, it’s about reading books.

We also took part in a book swap which meant we could swap a book that we’ve already read for someone else’s book. This is a good way to read new books without spending money because we just swap.

Our Class Assembly

On Thursday, we showed off our learning at our class assembly. Β We performed The song Lean on Me, we tested out our acting skills by pretending to be a teacher in the school and we used our descriptive language to describe characters from books. Β Our digital learning skills were also on show as we played an animation we had made about characterisation.Β 
Well done everyone!! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜Š


Homework WB 09.03.20

Homework WB 09.03.20

Monday –  Yesterday was International Women’s Day.Β  Think about women in your life who inspire you.Β  In your jotter, write a couple of paragraphs about this woman, saying who she is to you, why she is inspiring to you and tell me about the qualities she has.

Tuesday –  Complete the maths sheet on the sheet please.

Wednesday –  Use the video on our blog to learn the words to Wade in the Water.Β  Try learning one verse at a time and try to learn the words off by heart please.

Thursday –  Write a review of the workshop we attended today, β€˜Gold Stars and Dragon Marks’.Β  What did you like/dislike about it? What did you learn? Etc.

Garage Band 🎡🎹🎸πŸ₯

As part of our enslavement topic, we have learned about music which has come from times of enslavement. The song we have been learning this week is Amazing Grace which was written by John Newman. Β The songwriter based the lyrics on the theme of enslavement and his experience.

We’ve learned how to use Garage Band to play the tune to Amazing Grace. We played the tune on the keyboard on Garage Band and on the guitar on Garage Band.

Homework WB 02.03.20

Homework WB 02.03.20

Monday – Thursday is World Book Day. We are reclaiming World Book Day and making it about books and not costumes. In your jotter, write a book review of the last book you read. Make sure to give it a star rating out of 5!

Tuesday – Complete the maths sheet on the sheet please.

Wednesday – Can you make sure you know your words for our class assembly tomorrow please? Think about speaking confidently and pacing your speech.Β  Go over Lean on Me too please.

Thursday – Check out our learning from this week on the class blog. Leave a comment if you can please.

Homework WB 24.02.20

Homework WB 24.02.20

Monday – Prepare for your solo talk.Β  Information on solo talk is on different sheet.

Tuesday – Complete the Mixed Numbers activity on the sheet please.

Wednesday – Our class assembly is next Thursday 5th March.Β  We are organising a whole school event for World Book Day.Β  In your jotter, tell me your ideas of how we can make this a fantastic event for pupils, parents and staff.

Thursday – Watch Newsround online and be prepared to have a class discussion about what’s happening in the news.

Music 🎡🎡🎡🎡

Every two weeks we have a music session with Miss Brackinbridge. We have been using different instruments. Some of them are the ukulele, the guitar and the glockenspiel.

Here is one group playing the glockenspiel.

Here is Auzair enjoying playing the guitar.

Β Here is Kasim,Zack and Zain playing the ukulele.

We learned about The Ride of the Valcory which was an opera performance. Β It was very intense and if you do not know what that is maybe you will know if you think about as the Star Wars introduction.

Β Mr Cook showed some of us how to play the guitar he was very good at it here is Aleeza playing.

We enjoyed playing with all the instruments and we learned new tunes on the ukulele.

πŸ₯πŸ₯ Samba πŸ₯πŸ₯

We have been learning to play Samba music with Mr McCormack. Β We have learned about different instruments like the drums, bells, triangles and shakers. Β It has been good to experiment with the different instruments and choose our favourite to play.

We took our learning outside to play what we have learned so far. Β Check us out …