Spelling words

Hey guys, here’s some spelling words if you wish to learn them, no pressure though.

Maybe you could start on Monday, carry out your spelling strategies all week like we do in class and then someone in your house could assess you on the words on the Friday.
The first set are more challenging so you decide what you want to do.

Good morning troops, hope you’re all feeling good πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I’m going to post a couple of maths tasks and it’s completely Β up to you whether you do them or not so don’t feel pressured into doing them. If you do decide you want some quiet time and want to do the tasks, you are all able to do these independently so take one of the jotters you were given home in your pack, find a comfy seat and try these out on your own. Only ask an adult for help if you’re really stuck! Remember, your parents are very busy just now and you’re responsible for your own learning so believe in your abilities and have a go at these on your own. Β I know you are able to Β do this. 🀩🀩

Post me a comment if you want more tasks like these.

Missing you all loads ❀️❀️


Rise and Shine P6/7 β€οΈβ˜€οΈ

It’s another beautiful day so why not go out a short walk and get some fresh air?Β 

Remember you can join in on the Joe Wicks workout on YouTube – it’s hard work πŸ’ͺπŸ₯΄. Doing exercise definitely makes you feel good though so have a go and have some fun.

I know loads of you love David Walliams and his funny characters so check this out –Β 

Get comfy, chill out and have a listen to it with your siblings or on your own. Enjoy


Hey P6/7, I hope you’re relaxing and taking care of yourselves while you’re off school. Remember – read books, sing, listen to music, do some exercise, create some art, tell stories, listen to stories, write stories. Do anything that’s going to make you feel happy.

I’ve been following my mums recipe and making some homemade lentil and sweet potato soup. Homemade soup always cheers me up. 😊❀️ Remember, do things that make you happy.

Leave a wee comment if you can and tell me what you’ve been up to. Sending you all lots of love and missing your laughs and beautiful faces.

Advice for you guys on coronavirus

Hey p6/7, here is a very useful website for you to get advice about the Coronavirus. Β It’s really important for you to try and understand everything that’s happening and please explain it to your families too. Β I know all of you are responsible enough to translate this information for anyone in your family who doesn’t fully understand English.
I know this is a scary time but the best thing you can do is follow NHS advice – distance yourself from others, wash your hands and clothes regularly and take care of your body and your mind.
If you can’t get onto this website via the link below, type β€˜Young Scot advice for Coronavirus’ into google and you will find lots of information.
Sending lots of love and missing you all loads, Miss McCue πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ




Hey P6/7 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Hey guys it’s Miss McCue, just wanted to post a wee message to make sure you’re all ok.
I know I didn’t get to see a lot of you before school finished yesterday so want to use the blog to communicate with each other. If you see this, can you tell your friends and ask them to comment too so that we are all in contact with each other.
Thank you 😊😊 

International Women’s Day 2020 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

As a school, we always want to celebrate our women. This year, we held a ladies lunch for our mums, grans, aunties and friends. Only ladies were allowed to come to the ladies lunch as it was an event to celebrate women and the amazing impact they have on our lives.

We had a quiz which was based on inspirational women like Malala and Mother Teresa, we played bingo, danced and we had fantastic speeches from guests who told us of their journey to becoming string, independent women. We enjoyed lots of nice food, drinks and cake.

We need to always celebrate the amazing women in our lives.

Evernight by Ross Mackenzie πŸ“šπŸ“š

On Monday, we visited the Mitchell library and we met an author. Ross Mackenzie is an author from Glasgow who has written many stories.
5 of his stories have been published into books so far.Β 

Ross was telling us all about his new book called Evergreen. Β He told us that he had lots of fun writing the book and loves the characters in the book. Ross said that the book is based on the Victorian times in London.
It was interesting to hear about the process he went through writing the book.
We look forward to reading more of his books.