All posts by Miss McCue

Scottish Country Dancing at Holyrood πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ ΏπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Primary 7 pupils were invited to Holyrood Secondary to take part in a Scottish Country Dancing event with other primary 7 pupils from schools in the South Side of Glasgow.


Sports leaders led the event and taught us 4 traditional Scottish dances. Β We had fun learning the dances and it was easy as soon as we learned to stay in time with the music. This is learning for life because now we can take part in dances at parties in the future.

Mansoor and Azeem were phenomenal dancers and were asked to come up to the front and dance for everyone. Well done boys!! Β πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

Keynote App

Using the keynote app, we created and edited images of Robert Burns. Β There were lots of steps we had to follow to create our image.

We found out about Robert Burns this week during our literacy learning and used some of this information when creating our images. Β It was fun to explore the Keynote app and learn how to use its features. Β We searched for an image of Robert Burns on the internet and then inserted this into our presentation. Β We had fun editing the image and replacing parts of the image with different People’s mouths etc. Β Can you guess who’s ears, mouth, nose and hair we have added?

Pupils become teachers πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ«πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ«

During mental maths this week, we have been learning to compensate whole numbers and then we have challenged ourselves to compensate decimal numbers.

Lennon told us that that word compensating means giving something to something else, to make up for it. This is the same with numbers. Β We move units, tens, hundreds etc from one number to another number to make it easier to add or subtract the number.

Some of us were very brave and got up to teAch the class. Β Mr Norman, Mr Duncan, Mr Hunter and Miss Kabir all shared their learning by solving a calculation using the compensating strategy. Β Well done teachers for explaining your thinking and helping your classmates understand a new strategy.

Outdoor Learning – Writing πŸƒπŸ

As part of our writing this week, we went outdoors to use the environment to inspire our writing. Β 

We are learning about characterisation this term and aim to be excellent and creating and describing characters in our writing. The context we used for our lesson was Storm who is a giant puppet who was displayed in Glasgow last weekend to mark the opening of the Celtic Connections festival.

We spoke about the different features of characterisation like appearance and personality. Β We can see what Storm looks like but we don’t know what her personality is like so we need to use our imagination for this.

Looking at the different trees in our playground, we used these as inspiration for our descriptive vocabulary and wrote down adjectives that would describe our tree characters. We learned we need to think about our senses when describing something – what we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste.

Homework WB 20.01.20

Homework WB 20.01.20

Monday – Please use the strategies you have learned to learn your spelling words. Show your work in your jotter.

Tuesday – Complete the maths activity about simplifying fractions on the sheet.

Wednesday – Rehearse β€˜Touch the Sky’. Sing for people in your house.

Thursday – Check out our learning from this week on the class blog and leave a comment please.


Homework is given out on a Monday and due in on a Thursday in P6/7.

All homework will be related to what we are learning in class. Β The homework given to your childΒ is suitable for their level therefore I would like the homework to be mostly completed by them but, of course, your child would love for you to share the learning with them so feel free to join in.

Each week, there will be a literacy task related to the spelling words, a maths task related to our maths topic – which is fractions, decimals and percentages this term, a research task related to our topic work or a topical issue or event and a Thursday night’s Β homework will always be to read and comment on our class blog.

To comment on the class blog, you will need an email address.Β