All posts by Miss McCue

Our Trip to The Hidden Gardens 🌿🌺

We went on a trip to The Hidden Gardens as part of our inter-disciplinary learning.

Rhona taught us about food miles and where different fruits and vegetables come from. Β It was interesting to find out which countries produce which food.

Rhona also taught us about eating seasonally. Β This means that you only eat fruit and vegetables that are grown in your country at that time. Β An example of this would be people in Scotland only eating strawberries during our summer as that is the only time they are grown in our country. Β Eating seasonally is a good way to reduce food miles and be more sustainable.

Basketball on the MUGA πŸ€ β›ΉπŸΌβ€β™€οΈβ›ΉπŸ½β€β™‚οΈπŸ€

We had so much fun learning how to dribble the ball and shoot into the hoop during PE this week. Β 

The hoops are so tall so it was hard to get the ball Β in. Β We worked on our accuracy skills and added in a dribble on the way up to the hoop. Β We also practiced bounce passing and chest passing which are skills we have learned in PE lessons in previous week.

Some people are just so photogenic 😯😍

Group work and presentations 🀩🀩

Today we learned about perishable and non-perishable foods as part of our IDL work. Β We Are learning about this as we need to know what food is good to donate to a food bank.

We worked in groups to decide if food items were perishable or non-perishable and then we sorted the foods into the correct side. Β We worked together to discuss, decide and then create a poster of our findings.

After this, each group presented their work to the rest of the class. Β We are trying to include public speaking into lots of our lessons as we know the more we do it, the better we will become at speaking in front of people.

The audience had to give each group feedback on their work and on their presentations. Β We are getting better at giving feedback and know that constructive feedback is good as it allows the person to improve for next time. Β 

A special well done to Zack, Zaynab and Laiyba who were fantastic at giving feedback to their classmates.

Debating – Do food banks matter and should they exist?

We are learning about debating through our talking and listening learning during literacy time.

We decided to debate on the importance of food banks and if they should exist. Β 

We know that there is a proposing side and an opposing side. Β The proposing side are for the motion and the opposing side are against the motion. Β The chairperson (Rosemary and Israa) introduced the debate and told us the rules. Β Each side has 3 speakers and they make a case for their side. Β The rest of us were members of the audience and we asked questions which the speakers had to answer. Β We also had timekeepers who made sure everyone kept to time.

It was lots of fun and we learned that debating is like a giant game of ping pong because the discussion goes back and forward from one side to another, just like the ball does in a ping pong game.

We did very well and know we will improve our debating skills as we take part in more debates this year.

Social Justice learning

We worked with Miss Cohen on Wednesday morning and learned about social justice. Β The aim of the lesson was to be able to define and articulate social justice.

We worked in pairs to look at photographs of different social issues such as gender, faith, class, ethnicity and race. Β We discussed what was happening in the photograph and what the main theme of the photograph was. Β 

It was good to work with different people in the class and Miss Cohen and Miss McCue said how impressed they were with how well we worked together.

Captaincy Speeches πŸ˜ŽπŸ—£

Those of us in Primary 7 who want to be school captains this year made speeches to the rest of the school.

We wrote our speeches and included reasons why we should be captains of our houses. Β It was scary speaking in front of the rest of the pupils in our school but we all did very well and spoke loudly and clearly.

We will find out who was successful soon and who our new captains are. Β Good luck everybody.Β