Guess the Politician Game using KeyNote πŸ₯³πŸ€£

Good morning P6/7 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

How are you all? I hope you enjoyed the long weekend and those of you celebrating Eid had a fantastic time.

Today’s task is based around digital learning. Most of you have your school IPad at home so I hope you’ll be able to see this KeyNote presentation I’ve made. Hearing and reading all the news about Covid-19 can sometimes be quite overwhelming and there are lots of negative stories going around at the moment, so I thought I’d have some fun and create this little task for you.

What you need to do is guess the name of the politician in the image. You could use the background in some of them to help you – I’ve chosen images with the name of the political party in the background. Another clue might be if you can guess the gender of the person based on jewellery they are wearing etc.

Post your answers in the comments. When you have completed this task, you could create a similar presentation and a quiz for us and email me it. Remember we recreated Β the image of Robert Burns? You can scroll back on the blog to find them.


Good luck, let me know how you get on. Have a great day.
Missing you all loads, Miss McCue xx

8 thoughts on “Guess the Politician Game using KeyNote πŸ₯³πŸ€£

  1. 1. Zaynab and Boris Johnson 2. Yahya and Nicola Sturgeon 3.i know it’s me but I don’t know who could be behind me but if I find it out I ll comment later ! And the same with 4 & 5 but it’s Israa and Mansoor

  2. I think on my one he is a male and for Israa’s face she is female, and for Mansoor he is also male . I’m still trying to figure them out !

      1. Yes I’m fine NOT I just miss everyone even more than yesterday I need medicine πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

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