Thursday – Maths and Modern Studies.

Morning everyone, how are you all? πŸ’œπŸ’œ

It’s another glorious day which definitely makes me feel happy. Today, I’m going to call all of your parents and hope to speak to you on the phone too.

How did you get on with the literacy and maths tasks from yesterday? Thanks to those of you who have sent me pictures of your work and what you have been doing, it’s lovely Β to see your beautiful faces again. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Maths – do you remember the rule for rounding? Have a go at this rounding task and let me know if you remembered how to round whole numbers and how to estimate. Β Think about what the word estimate means and this might help you. Leave a comment if you need some help or a little reminder.

Modern Studies – It’s a good idea to keep up with what is happening with the Coronavirus by watching the news or reading news online. Remember, everything you read isn’t always true so look out for FAKE NEWS.

Below are some links to clips you can watch and articles you can read about what is currently happening with the Coronavirus and specifically, what Scotland are doing about it and what England are doing about it. Β Use these to help you with today’s task.

Β The Venn Diagram is there to help you but please draw your own with Scotland being on one side, England being on the other and the overlapping bit in the middle is for things that both Scotland and England are doing the same.

Remember, although Scotland is part of the United Kingdom, we have our own government and they are doing some things differently from the Conservative government.Β 

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