Monthly Archives: April 2020


Hey everyone, welcome back to Term 4 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

It looks very different to usual but we are still going to have a fun time together and keep in touch as much as possible. If you can, leave a comment on this post so that we can all chat to each other and find out what everyone has been up to.

This morning, I had a zoom chat with all the staff in our school. There were about 40 people on it.  It was crazy trying to hear everyone so Mrs Harker had to mute us all to stop everyone talking at the same time  🀣🀣  We chatted about all of you and how we can do our best for you during this time.

Now, I’m having lunch in the garden. I made a big bowl of salad as I need to try and eat healthy now after eating lotttttsssss of choco at Easter time. πŸ‘€πŸ˜†

Let me know what you’re all up to today. I’m missing all your rubbish jokes and hilarious laughs. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

I have a surprise visitor coming onto our blog tomorrow. Can you guess who it is? Here are some clues –

this person is LOTS of fun, this person belongs to our St Albert’s family, this person is an amazing teacher, this person makes us all laugh, this person gives the best cuddles and this person is one of my best friends because they are kind and caring.

Leave a comment and guess who it is. All will be revealed tomorrow …

Time lapse and recipe for cookie making πŸͺπŸͺ

Good morning guys, I hope you’re all good. πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Last night, I did some more baking and made banana oat cookies. These were really easy to make and I made them because my friend is pregnant and sometimes when women are pregnant, they crave different things to eat and drink so my friend is craving everything with banana!! Banana milkshake, banana slushes, banana bread, banana cookies. Β She will turn into a banana soon.  🍌🍌🍌🍌 So I’ve made these to give to her and I hope she enjoys them.
Click on the link below to watch a time lapse of me making banana oat cookies.Β 


I liked making these because it kept me busy and they were really easy to do. If you have some bananas and some oats in your house, why don’t you see if you can follow my recipe and instructions to create your own banana oat cookies. I have written out instructions, just like we did in class. I’ve used adverbs of frequency and imperative verbs (bossy verbs). Can you spot any of them and tell me them in a comment?

I hope some of you can have a go at making these and enjoy them. 🍌πŸͺ These are my finished results.



I’m wearing purple today to show my love for all of you and our school. Here I am doing my workout wearing all things purple.

Purple and green are my favourite colours so it was easy for me to find something purple to wear.

Why not put something purple on and email me a picture of yourself and I will upload them to our blog? I love seeing you all in your purple uniform 😍😍 even your St Albert’s tie wrapped round your napper (head).Β 


Hola and happy Friday troopaloopas πŸ’œπŸ’œ

I hope you’re all happy and doing things you enjoy. If you enjoyed the maths the other day, try these out for extra challenge.

To find 1% of an amount you need to divide the amount by 100 so if it’s 1% of 380, you would do 380.00 divided by 100. Remember, when we divide by 100, the decimal point moves 2 places to the left so 380.00 divided by 100 becomes 3.8 so –

1% of 380 is 3.8.

If you were asked to find 8% of 380, you would find 1% (which is 3.8) and multiply it by 8 (because we are trying to find 8%).

So the next step is 3.8 x 8. The answer is 30.4.

Have a go if you like.

Sending lots of love, Miss McCue πŸ’œπŸ’œ

😊😊 Smile 😊😊

Don’t forget to do things that make you smile guys. It’s very important in these strange times that you do lots of things that make you happy. That might be singing, dancing, exercising, creating animations, drawing, reading, making up gymnastics routines or anything else you enjoy doing. It’s important to keep smiling through all of this.Β 

I’m really missing my mum and my brothers just now because I can’t go to their houses so I’ve been going a walk and making sure I stop by their houses to speak to them from the garden. Speaking to my mum always cheers me up because she always knows what to say to make me laugh and feel good. My mum is still working as she cares for elderly people so she still has great stories to tell me. Here she is hanging out her window in her jammies speaking to me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Witches and Wizards πŸ§™β€β™€οΈπŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

Good morning P6/7, I hope you’re all well and are taking care of yourselves. 😊❀

Today, why not have some quiet time and read a new book? We are lucky enough that this Harry Potter book is online for us to read for free!! You can either type this into Google or twitter:

Or, search for Glasgow Library on twitter and you’ll find it on their page. You could also search ‘free online Harry Potter book’ into Google and links will come up. I just followed a couple and they worked.

JK Rowling really works her magic with these books and waves her wand to create magestic characters using her imacignation (imagination) to come up with fantastic magictives (adjectives) to describe the characters and the setting.

Sorry for the puns, I was just witching (itching) to use them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Challenges you could do while reading the book:

Think about the features of characterisation we have learned about and see if you can spot JK Rowling using any in her writing.

Visualisation – Why not use your visualisation reading strategy to draw any characters, setting or props from the book, based on the descriptions of these things that you have read?

Predicting – When you finish a chapter, use your predicting strategy to predict what is going to happen next. Or, when you’ve read a couple of chapters, predict what the ending of the book is going to be.

Summarising – After you’ve read about Harry’s aunt and uncle in Chapter 1, summarise what they are like by creating a character profile for them.

Paraphrasing – Choose a paragraph or a page of the book that you have read, use your paraphrasing strategy to rewrite that part of the story.

It’s magic what you can do with a book when you know the spell. OK, enough puns πŸ₯΄πŸ˜‚ If you don’t know what a pun is, that is another task for you to find out.

There are lots of tasks here to do but don’t feel you need to do them all at once. Start reading the book and enjoy it, enjoy the peace and being owl (all) on your own, enjoy your imagination running wild, enjoy being absorbed into the book and becoming part of the wizarding world. You’ll have a hoot when you meet Harry’s owl and you’ll be owling when you meet Harry’s cousin Dudley. πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰

Keep laughing troops, love you all,

Miss McCue xx

Percentages of an amount %%

I know some of you have been enjoying the maths activities on the blog so here are some more.

I have written down an explanation to try and help you understand the work so try and imagine my voice saying it as if I was standing in the classroom teaching you it

(I wish I was 😳❀️)

Remember, when dealing with percentages, it might be easier for you to think of the fraction that is equal to the percentage. So if you’re being asked to find 10% of Β£100, remember 10% is equal to 1/10 (one over ten or one tenth), so you need to divide the amount (Β£100) by 10. Then, you know 100 divided by 10 is 10 so the answer is Β£10.

That looks very confusing but read it a few times and you’ll get it. I’ve written it here too which might be easier to understand.

Try the questions if you want some maths work today. Leave me a comment here and let me know how you got on and if you need any help. Remember, you can do this work because you’re a genius so don’t be asking the adults in your house to help.Β