Mental Health Focus 🥰❤️ Don’t compete against others, only compete to be the best version of you.

The school’s focus this week is mental health.  The blog posts and the guided reading will be tasks related to this focus.  Please email me – – if you want to chat or let me know how you’re doing.  💜💜

Every person needs to look after their mental health.  That means you, your mum and dad, me and everyone else on this planet because we all have feelings and these feelings play a part in how we feel mentally.

We talk a lot about mental health in class and we focus on staying positive and looking for the good in situations. However, it is easy to become sad or worried about things, especially at times like just now because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the next weeks and months and everything is a bit uncertain. This is natural so don’t feel like it’s a bad thing to be feeling sad sometimes. The important thing is you talk to someone about your feelings. You could talk to a family member, a friend who you trust, you could email me or any other adult in our school.

If you want to, complete the two activities below. You can email me your answers by writing 1) Some days. I will know what the question is so you don’t need to write the question out.  I will reply and we can chat about things.  I’m going to do the activities too because I feel worried about things too sometimes.

You might do these activities and then think ‘Oh no, I’m feeling really negative’. Don’t worry about that, it is good to find out what you’re worried about so we can work on how to make you feel better about it. Remember what I always tell you, you aren’t competing against anyone else, you’re competing to be the best version of yourself every day. 💜💜 I am impressed by each and every one of you every day for different reasons so please remember how amazing you are and feel proud of this.

Love and miss you all lots,

Miss McCue xx

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