New week, new goals ⭐❤️

Good morning all you beautiful children, I hope you’re doing well and feeling positive. ❤️❤️

It’s a gorgeous day outside so try and make sure you get out for a nice walk or a cycle, you need to keep exercising and getting fresh air. Remember the Joe Wicks workouts are available every day on YouTube too. I did all of them from last week and they are TOUGH!! Or am I just unfit? 🥴🥴

I’ve been phoning and checking in with all your parents and have spoken to some of you. You all have my number now so keep in contact. I’ve loved hearing what you’re up to and I’m missing you loads.

Sorry this is sooo looongg, I am going to start making videos and putting them on the blog but when I’ve tried before, it doesn’t work so I will need to work out how to do it and then I will start vlogging. Eishah taught me how to create vlogtastic vlogs so you will all be amazed, right? 😂😂

If you’re looking for a task for this week, I think it would be a great idea for you to keep a diary or a journal of these events. Take notes of the dates, what you did, how you felt, what was being said on the news. What we are living through right now will be an important part of history in years to come. You can tell your grandchildren that you lived through this and show them your journal of events, how cool would that be? You’d be like Anne Frank, although a lot safer and not as cool because let’s be honest, is anybody as cool as Anne Frank?

So, you could write your journal on paper, in a jotter, make it on one of your apps on your ipad or tablet, make a comic book out of it with pictures, make an animation out of it, create a script and a play of your journey and thoughts. Your talents are endless, you know how to do all of these things I’ve just suggested because you’re amazing. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Get creative with this task, add to it every day and I’m sure you’ll be impressed with your work at the end of all this.

Let me know what you think by leaving a wee comment. Hoping to get a vlogtastic vlog up soon. Love and miss you all,

Miss McCue xx


8 thoughts on “New week, new goals ⭐❤️

    1. Brilliant Mansoor, you’re already ahead of the game. ⭐⭐ What has been your favourite thing to do since you’ve been off?

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