Hey P6/7 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Hey guys it’s Miss McCue, just wanted to post a wee message to make sure you’re all ok.
I know I didn’t get to see a lot of you before school finished yesterday so want to use the blog to communicate with each other. If you see this, can you tell your friends and ask them to comment too so that we are all in contact with each other.
Thank you 😊😊 

8 thoughts on “Hey P6/7 πŸ’œπŸ’œ

    1. Eishah, can you contact anybody you can in the class and tell them to come on the class blog and comment so we can all talk to each other please? Thank you.

    2. Same and also we are going high school so we wont be able to see some of our friends that go to a different high school☹️

      1. Zaynab, we are going to try and get everyone together when it is safe to do so. We can’t let you guys leave without having one last party πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

        1. Miss I feel the same way as Zaynab it just feels so weird without everyone not telling me to shush all the time 🀣🀣🀣 I miss them LOTS 😩😩😭

          1. Hahaha yes, your family must love being locked in the house with you talking 24/7… NOT. Only joking, I’m missing your chat lots and can’t wait to hear from you again. Xx

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