Group work and presentations 🀩🀩

Today we learned about perishable and non-perishable foods as part of our IDL work. Β We Are learning about this as we need to know what food is good to donate to a food bank.

We worked in groups to decide if food items were perishable or non-perishable and then we sorted the foods into the correct side. Β We worked together to discuss, decide and then create a poster of our findings.

After this, each group presented their work to the rest of the class. Β We are trying to include public speaking into lots of our lessons as we know the more we do it, the better we will become at speaking in front of people.

The audience had to give each group feedback on their work and on their presentations. Β We are getting better at giving feedback and know that constructive feedback is good as it allows the person to improve for next time. Β 

A special well done to Zack, Zaynab and Laiyba who were fantastic at giving feedback to their classmates.

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