Home Learning Friday 15th May


Some tasks for you today to get your creativity flowing and your brains working.

Task 1:

Zoopla have created a national fort challenge.  They are challenging children to build forts and dens in their house, take a picture and enter their competition. Some of the entries so far have been amazing!

Build an amazing fort and take a picture and send it to me.  If you want to enter the competition you can do so here:


Task 2:

Listen to Chapter 11 of George’s Marvellous Medicine

Thinking back and answer the following:

  1. What do you think George has forgotten to put in the medicine?
  2. Do you think he will be able to recreate it and become famous?  Why do you think this?
  3. Illustrate (draw) a scene from this chapter and label it with evidence in the story.

Task 3:

Join our P4 online party today at 2pm.  You can join the meeting by clicking on the green link below.


Remember, Sumdog is there for you to practice your spelling and maths work any time you like!

I look forward to seeing you all,
Mrs Pattie

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