Home Learning Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all been taking the advise of our First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and getting out to exercises twice a day.  The weather has been wonderful so make sure you go out for some fresh air and run about.

Today’s Tasks are:

Task 1:

Miss Cohen has filmed some really fun science experiments for you to try at home.  Have a go and remember to be safe and get an adult to help if you need it.

Task 2:

You might have noticed lots of people wearing masks when they are outside. I have been experimenting with making masks that don’t need any sewing and this is what I have come up with.  See if you can make one and get your parents to send me a picture of your creation on 0789 449 2119.

As an extension task, research why face masks might be an important part of stopping Coronavirus.

Task 3:

Listen to the next chapter of George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Write one or more of the following:

  1. A blurb for the back of the book
  2. A review of the book that includes what you like/dislike about it and why people should read it.
  3. A short story of your own that includes a horrible character like George’s Grandma.

Task 4:

Mr Corrigan goes live at 2.30PM today on YouTube. Click the link to join in:



We will use Google Meets to have a class party from 2 – 2.45pm tomorrow…I can’t wait to see you all!!!

You should be able to just click on the link below and join the party from whatever device you are using.


I will send a text out to everyone with this link so you can access it from your phones if that is easier.

I really hope I can see as many of you as possible tomorrow!
Mrs Pattie

One thought on “Home Learning Thursday 14th May”

  1. Hi Mrs Pattie how are you I have been going out for some fresh air but not out of the garden.
    We are getting our garden done and we play on our bikes 🚲 my dad is doing all the work and we help him.
    Anyway I have done ✅ the superhero work sheets

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