Primary 4 have been working on counting backwards and forwards in steps of 2, 4, 8, 50 and 100 in Numeracy this week, They have some worksheets for homework on this topic, which are due in next Monday 28th October, Also they have a solo talk to prepare at home on the subject of a rainforest animal, which they should be ready to present to the class by next Tuesday 29th October. They should research facts to talk about in front of their classmates, online, or in books and write a list of headings on paper to jog their memories about the areas they wish to talk about. For example, what the animal eats, what it looks like, any special features it has, threats to survival and habitat. Try typing ‘rainforest animal facts for kids’ into Google to find information.
Primary 4 will be starting to learn how to join their handwriting next week in class lessons and will have follow up worksheets to complete at home to reinforce class learning.
Primary 4 have been learning how to spell the first 100 common words in the English language . They have been tested on these in class, Words that some pupils still need to learn to spell have been highlighted on their spelling lists in their homework folders. Please ensure that your child is studying these at home. Suitable spelling strategies to use have been included in a previous blog. New spelling lists will be sent home next week for pupils to learn.