Almost forgot, P3 Still Rock – Day 5

Bonjour, ca va?  Hope you’re all well.

Today I’ve uploaded a couple more videos on the St Albert’s Infants YouTube channel.  You can either just search for “St Albert’s Infants” on YouTube or follow the link below.

Today’s focus is on Health and Wellbeing.  As important as literacy and numeracy are, it’s more vital than ever that we take time to manage our own health.

My first video is about physical activity.  I’ve posted a video challenge for everyone to take part in my Dance Monkey Stair Challenge.


I’m also uploading a video on Guided Relaxation.  Mental health is really important in these uncertain times.  Never underestimate the power of spending just a few minutes each day relaxing by yourself.

In addition to my videos there’s a whole host of other videos posted by the other Infant teachers.  Feel free to nosey around and watch the videos that you’re interested in.

Today, and most days, Blairdrummond Safari Park will be streaming live videos of animals on Facebook.  Just search “Blairdrummond Safari” on Facebook.  It’s a great way to learn more about animals.

Finally, today I will be making phone calls to P3 families to make sure they have everything need.  I’ll be doing this weekly to keep in touch with everyone.

Stay safe, stay at home.

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