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P1B’s first week at St Albert’s!

Welcome to St Albert’s P1B!

P1 B have had a fantastic start to the year. We’ve been busy getting to know our class, our classroom, our school and making friends!

Here are some photos of our time in class so far!


Learning our first sounds ‘S s’ and ‘A a’

We’re going on ‘s’ hunt….

Making a ‘silly soup’ with objects that begin with ‘s’

A slimy snail!

Sorting objects that start with ‘s’ and ‘a’

Making sounds using play dough


Sandwiches, sausages, snakes!

Making Patterns!

“We’ve got Mendhi!”

“What shall we build today?”

A Rocket!

Matching numeral to quantity using Pom poms and numbers 0-10

We love mark making!

Our Literacy working wall, we’ve been learning to recognize and write our names!

Fun in the playground!

What a super start and a super busy week! Well done P1B, you have been amazing!

If you haven’t already brought back your consent form please do so next week as we have a trip to the library planned for Thursday. Please also send your child in with a gym kit on Monday or Tuesday. We will be having Gym on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s.

Enjoy your weekend, it looks like it’s going to be dry and sunny, make sure you get out to the park, maybe I’ll see you there!

Miss Bull
