Cherry Blossom Thursdays!

Good Morning everyone!

As you know, I absolutely LOVE Cherry Blossom and I have been talking about it a lot in the stories I have posted recently. There is something so special about the fact that it only blossoms for such a short time (Beg April – Mid May), it makes it even more magical when we do see it (almost like catching a short glimpse of a woodland fairy or elf) and I really look forward to Spring every year just for this reason.

As well as getting on with the activities in your packs today, why don’t you take a look at Mr Corrigan’s Video all about Cherry Blossom and then have a go at creating your very own cherry blossom picture!

Did you know Mr Corrigan is an amazing Artist just like you!

Have a go at making your own Cherry Blossom Painting or like Mr C says, you can use pencils, pens or crayons instead:

People say that Japan has the best Cherry Blossom (you can find pictures and videos of it on google and youtube), if that’s the case I think Scotland must be 2nd Best, especially Pollokshields!

Maths – Measure

Why not have a go at some of these really fun measuring activities at home today?

Picture 1: You can draw around our hand and cut it out then use it to measure different objects in the house! E.g. How many hands high is your table? How many hands wide? How many hands long is your bed?

Picture 2: You can use different cups and buckets of different shapes and sizes to see which one holds the most water!

  • Fill the cup/jug/bucket with water then pour that water in to a measuring jug and write down the measurement. Which vessel holds the most water?

Picture 3: Make a weighing scale with a coathanger! Can you tell which object is heavier? Try lots of different objects!


Today’s story – The Magic Paintbrush

Lots of Love

Miss Bull


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