M for Monday! Term 4 Week 2 – Shakey Shakey!

Good morning Monday Monsters!

I hope you had a lovely weekend, thank you for all your photos, I LOVED them!

The sun is shining again and I don’t know about you but the Sunshine makes me feel SO HAPPY! Today I am feeling thankful and happy for the good weather because it’s making all the plants grow in my garden! YAY! As you know, when i’m feeling Happy I get a little bit silly… so this morning I’m going to SHAKE MY SILLIES OUT! Why don’t you give it a go too?

Shake your sillies out!

Activity: Shake A Tree!

It’s raining bugs! Tree-beating is a great way to discover an incredible world of minibeasts otherwise hidden in the branches above.

What you need:
  • A sheet of paper (white is best!)
  • A paint brush / Lolly stick / Straw or pencil (this is for moving the bugs in to the container)
  • A container (tub/old takeaway box/jar/pot)
What to do:
  1. Find a tree or bush with some low hanging branches and lay your sheet underneath. Ideally you’ll have some helpers holding it up at the edge so minibeasts collect in the middle at the bottom.
  2. Shake the branch or gently hit it with a stick once (no need to keep hitting because most minibeasts will hang on after the initial tap). Don’t be too rough! You don’t want to damage it.
  3. Collect some of the minibeasts with your paintbrush and container and see what you’ve got.
  4. Use a camera or a smart phone to take pictures of what you’ve found.
REMEMBER that to the bugs you’re a GIANT. So be gentle and don’t hurt these tiny creatures. Put them back carefully as soon as you’ve had a look.

If you can, download this ID sheet to check what you’ve found!


Help the RSPB (Royal Society for the protection of Birds) by marking the activity as complete on their page and telling them what you’ve found! https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-families/family-wild-challenge/activities/shake-a-tree/


  1. Carry on with your Sum Dog activities as usual! How many coins have you collected so far?

2. Play this super fun bug catching game which teaches you all about estimating (guessing) and more and less!


3. Or play this Caterpillar ordering game (you can challenge yourself by choosing 1-100!)


Today’s Book: Look, Look, Look again….Spring! Read by Miss Bull:

2 thoughts on “M for Monday! Term 4 Week 2 – Shakey Shakey!

  1. Good morning everyone in P1b. I hope you are all well.
    Whaw! I just watched the “Shake your sillies” video and had a go at it in my kitchen. It was so much fun.
    The sunshine we have been getting has been great for helping plants grow. I found some basil seeds and planted them a few weeks ago and now they are growing nicely. When I am making pasta sauce I love to add some fresh basil leaves, so hopefully soon I will be able to use my own basil plants.
    I think we are going to be getting quite a bit of rain over the next week, but that’s good too, otherwise the trees and plants outside might get too thirsty!
    The rain can also be great fun to play in. When it rains I like to go outside, close my eyes and look up to the sky to feel the rain drops fall on my face. You should try it too and see if you can count how many raindrops land on your face!
    You could also try to catch some raindrops to make a puddle in your hand. You could splash in the puddles and make up a rain dance. Send pictures of the fun things you do in the rain!

    Sending you all lots of love,

    Mrs Hunter-Andreuccetti.

    1. Wow! Thank you so much or all your wonderful ideas Mrs H-A! I don’t know if everyone will be able to see this so I’ll make sure to post your ideas on tomorrow’s blog for all the children to see! x

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