Wednesday! Practice Practice Practice!

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!

Yesterday the infant teachers were putting together packs for your learning (staying very safe and keeping our distance!). These should be available for you early next week so you will have lots of worksheets and craft supplies to keep you going!

As well as learning about plants and animals that grow we are also going to be learning about ourselves, how we grow and how we stay fit and healthy.

Did you know that your brain is like a muscle? We have to exercise all of the muscles in our body including our brains to make them work so today is all about Practice Practice Practice!  Below I have posted lots of activities for you to choose from – you can try as many as you like! 

Exercise your body! Start your day with our favourite workout video and practice the moves that we used to do in class:

Practice your sounds and practice writing them all down (can you write any words too?)!

Have a go at Miss Dunnet’s Teacher Name Word Search! Click on the link

Practice making some patterns using your Lego! Click on the link

missing pattern infants

Learn how to tie your laces with Mr Corrigan and then practice practice practice:

Learn how to ride your bike without stabilisers and then practice practice practice:

I will post an end of the day story for you this afternoon once I have recorded it!
Lots of Love
Miss Bull

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