Tuesday – A message of Love from me to you! :)

To my lovely lovely children!

Hello from me to you, from my home to your home!

I just wanted to leave you a short message to tell you that I love you and I miss you all very much. I know it must feel a little bit strange being at home for such a long time but it is the most important thing for you to do at the moment – Stay at home, wash your hands and look after each other! You are the most kind and caring children I have ever met so I know you’ll be really really good at that!

I have been very busy in my flat recording some stories for you to watch at home  and I will share them with you tomorrow.

For now, I hope you are just having a nice time at home with your family and enjoying spending time playing with your toys which I know you love so much.

SAH, DZ, HT and IJ – How are your transformers and Lego characters? Not getting up to too much mischief I hope? Maybe you could send me some pictures of their at home adventures!

MA and RA – Have you been doing any exciting science experiments at home? I know you love your magnets, what have you found in the house that’s magnetic?

SS and SF – Have you had fun playing with your cars?  Maybe you could draw me a picture of your favourite one?

ZS, AB, ZJ, SM, NIA and ST – Have you drawn any more lovely pictures since you’ve been at home or come up with any stories using your fantastic imaginations? Maybe you could send me a photograph of them?

If you have time it would be lovely if you could draw a rainbow and put it up in your front window with St Alberts P1B on it so that  next time I go for a walk around Pollokshields I can wave at you through the window!

Parents if you want to contact me about anything at all please email me at gw17bullsusie@glow.sch.uk  I am here to support you and your family through these challenging times so I will help you in whatever way I possibly can.

Sending you lots of love and good vibes

Miss Bull – or Susie for secret! 😉





5 thoughts on “Tuesday – A message of Love from me to you! :)

  1. Hello, lovely to hear from you, Hassan T is having a fab time getting on with lots to do and is missing everyone at school! We did the joe wicks workout today and has been drawing up shapes and lots of colouring! Will send in pics also 😊

    1. Good morning, so lovely to hear from you! Well done Hassan! I’m sure you have been working super hard and helping your Mummy and Daddy out lots around the house. Maybe you could pretend to be the teacher today and teach your baby sister some phonics and some numbers? I miss you and all of primary 1 too, maybe you could write some letters to your friends to see what they’re up to? X

    1. I miss you too Zainab! Very much! Mummy and Daddy are lucky to have such a super helper in the house with them though, I hope you’re having lots of fun with your baby sister and keeping everybody laughing with your funny stories about witches and unicorns and magic! X

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