Term 2 – Celebrations!

As well as Seasons this year we have also been focussing on the topic of Celebrations. This term we learned about and explored the following Celebrations:

-Halloween – we had great fun reading spooky stories as a class and focussed on the less spooky ‘Pumpkin Soup’. We used the story to teach us how to make Pumpkin Soup and then we made it all together as a class. Some of us liked the taste more than others! We write instructions on how to make it to give to P2 so they could have a go at making it themselves.

– Fireworks Night – this term we also focussed on learning how to read and write poetry. We visited the Nick Cave exhibition at The Tramway to help us to think of words to describe fireworks and build up a word bank to create our own poems. We used poetry maps to write our poems and used different materials to make firework paintings. In gym we learned a dance to Music for the Royal Fireworks by Handel.

– Christmas! This term we have been learning the story of Christmas to prepare us for our performance of The Nativity. The children worked extremely hard learning their lines and the songs are for the performance and we were so pleased to see some of you at the show.

Here are some photos of our learning!

Making Firework Paintings

STEM – Building fireworks using different construction materials


Visiting The Nick Cave exhibition at The Tramway

Christmas Celebrations!

Halloween fun in Class!

Halloween Party!

Making Christmas Wreaths with volunteers from St Albert’s Parish Church

Meeting Santa!

The Nativity Show!


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