Term 2 Seasons! – Topic and Literacy

This term P1 have had lots of fun learning all about the 4 Seasons!

Seasons – for this topic we learnt what the 4 seasons were and where they fell in the year. We looked at the changes in weather and how this affected the environment, particularly the animals. We learnt about hibernation and focussed on bears and hedgehogs.

This made for a very rich Literacy topic – we learned how to re-tell the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ using a story map and through drama. We learned how to draw a hedgehog, label a hedgehog, explain and describe what hibernation is, write  hedgehog poems and hedgehog stories. In Forest School we even got to make Hedgehogs using hammers and nails!

In gym this term we studied dance through Vivaldi’s  The Four Seasons in which we choreographed a dance which told the story of the hedgehog through the 4 seasons.

In art we worked in teams to create a 4 seasons collage display, learned how to do leaf rubbings and had lots of fun outside playing with the leaves!


Here are some Photos of our Learning –

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