Dear Zoo and Literacy in Term 1!

This term we have been focusing on learning the first 2 sets of sounds in the Jolly Phonics programme. We learn 2 new sounds a week and share these sounds with you weekly via the childrenโ€™s homework so please take the time to read the homework and have a go at some of the reading activities if you can.

In our Literacy lessons we learn how to recognise, say, hear and write the sounds on their own and then we learn words that either start with that sound or have the sound in them. We have been learning to read simple words like hen, pen, men, cat, hat, rat by sounding out the word c-a-t and then blending the sounds together to read. Caaaaaaaaaatttt, cat.

Our story focus this term was Dear Zoo. We learnt the story, sequenced the story through carpet games and by cutting and sticking parts of the story in order and then learned how to use print in our environment to write descriptions of the animals. Then we were lucky enough to actually go to Edinburgh Zoo! Wow, what a treat!

Here are some photos of our learning!


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