I hope you have all been enjoying this lovely weather! Some of the Infant teachers were in school yesterday to sort some work out for this term. We still had to stay safe, so we made sure to keep our distance from each other.
Remember that you don’t have to complete all the work that goes on to the blog. It is just to help you feel like you are still at school and keep you busy!
Try to stay in a routine so it could be helpful to continue doing the Joe Wicks daily exercise video to stay fit and healthy.
Continue to learn about money. Use real coins you have in the house and see if you remember what coins they are. You can also play this game on Topmarks
Mr Corrigan has very kindly made this Nature Scrapbook video. So if you have a garden or are out a walk try to find some interesting objects when you are out.
I know we all love this book in P1a. So thanks to Miss Graham for recording this!
This is another great resource that is updated regularly for you to use. It explores language through music, movement and play!