Burns Assembly homework

There will be a whole school assembly on Friday 24th January. All classes will be performing Scottish songs, poems and dances.

Class 2 are working with P6/7 learning the song ‘Touch the Sky’ from the Disney film Brave.

Homework over the next 2 weeks is to practices singing this song. There is a paper copy of the lyrics in your child’s homework pouch. Below is also a link to the song with on-screen lyrics that you can sing along with.




Happy New Year!

Hope you all had a lovely holiday and have had a good start to 2020!

We were all excited to see each other again this week in Class 2 and have been doing some super learning to start the year!

Some of what we have been learning this week is –

  • evaluating our goals for last term and setting new ones for term 3
  • counting in 3s
  • working on our times tables
  • investigating place value of tens and units and doing some partitioning
  • revising our phonics and spelling strategies
  • building some spelling words outside (wet & windy work – see photos below!)
  • identifying hot and cold colours
  • creating a cold colours watercolour background
  • reading our new books and answering questions to show our understanding
  • setting up our new iPads
  • discussing hygiene and routines to help with this
  • enjoying a performance of Wyliecoat the Wizard

Some outdoor spelling

Creating our cold watercolour backgrounds for our winter themed art


Being a good audience for Wyliecoat the Wizard


The multiplication gang – amazing work on times tables this week 🙂


Planetarium visits & Christmas parties

We have been busy finishing off some work this week but have also made time for some fun festive things.

Today, to complete our Space topic, we went to the science Centre to explore the space learning area and watched a fabulous film in the planetarium.

Having some fun with the naughty and nice posters while we had our snack!


Exploring the space section


Investigating the rest of the science mall

At the ‘Passports to the planets’ show

In the afternoon we had our class parties with festive snacks, party games and a visit from Santa.


Last day of term tomorrow! Have a lovely restful holiday and see you next year 🙂

Our learning 13.12.19

Another busy week as we near the end of term 2! Here is some of what we have been learning –

  • our last spelling words of the year!
  • the concept of multiplication and learning different times tables
  • designing and creating our rocket
  • singing our choir song for the nativity
  • completing a variety of reading comprehension tasks
  • about procedural writing and in particular things required when writing instructions

Great team work to do the prep for the design of each of the big boxes to make the main body of the rocket

Finishing touches on the day of the topic display day

Meeting some alpacas at Adventure – they made funny humming noises!

Showing our visitors our fabulous model rocket and having a pose with our completed masterpiece 🙂

Sneak peek of next weeks Nativity after our song practice


Discussing needs and wants in relation to Christmas and what things are essential in life


Our learning 6.12.19

December already! We have been hard working elves this week working to get things completed for the upcoming Christmas Fayre and topic open afternoon. Here is some of what we have been working on –

  • telling the digital time
  • finding small words within words to help us spell longer trickier words
  • learning kung fu punctuation
  • thinking of sentences which would end with full stops, exclamation marks and question marks
  • painting designs onto the festive coasters
  • learning the ou phonic and spelling and reading words with this sound
  • discussing the feelings proud and ashamed and other opposite feelings
  • learning about the concept of multiplication or revising known times tables
  • discussing ideas for creating our rocket model
  • learning mountain climbing and ski jumps in fitness
  • discussing the different between needs and wants
  • how to write the letter k correctly

Some of the ou words we spelled


Exploring our boxes and discussing ideas to construct our rocket

Sorting opposite feelings

Please send in any boxes or other materials we could use to make our space rocket on Monday to help us complete our project. Thank you!

Homework – request for materials

This week Class 2 are beginning work on their arts projects linked to their space topic. They have chosen to make a model of a rocket.

We have the large boxes for the main body of the rocket but the children have been asked to think about what other materials they could use to create the other different parts of their rocket.

Please discuss ideas with your child and send in any materials they can find around the house that could be of use such as smaller boxes, bottles, bits of cardboard, foil etc.

Do not buy anything for this projects we want it made out of everyday items we have and can use. Thank you.

Materials required by THURSDAY 5th DECEMBER please!

Our learning 29.11.19

Although it was a 4 day week for the pupils, we have  still been very busy in Class 2. Here is some of what we were learning  –

  • putting the correct missing connectives in sentences
  • counting in 5s and 2, without using the hundred square for support
  • time loop cards
  • telling and setting the time on analogue clocks
  • alphabetising words and using this skill to help us use our word books more effectively
  • predicting what will happen next in stories
  • re-reading to help us understand things in books better
  • telling and writing the digital time
  • how to do press ups and lunges
  • what it is like to travel in space
  • some of the similarities and differences between life in space and life on earth (including clothes, food, sleeping and even the toilet!)
  • designing and creating some crafts for the ….. Christmas Fayre!

See you next week, in December…!!!

Our learning this week 22.11.19

Here is some of what we have been learning about this week –

  • ordering words alphabetically
  • using connectives to add more detail to our writing
  • improving our recall of our doubles addition sums
  • revising all our double phonics sounds so far
  • telling the time on analogue clocks
  • giving court rulings of guilt and not guilty to role play situations acted out
  • creating fact sheets using the notes we had taken from our research
  • discussing the Milky Way and wider universe in space
  • completing our solar system quiz
  • continuing building our fitness through HIIT sessions
  • discussing what is required for happy play-times

Hector working on increasing his speed at answering doubles sums


Alphabetical ordering some of our spelling words


The steps of making our planet fact sheets – researching, making notes and then creating the final fact sheet 


Fitness groups on the MUGA – Shuttle runs, squats, skipping and burpees


Class 2’s thoughts on what makes a happy playtime 



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