Our learning 28.2.20

Some of our learning this week –

  • punctuating sentences
  • writing our own questions and exclamation mark sentences
  • multiplying 2 digit numbers
  • learning the lyrics to ‘Lean on me’
  • learning our assembly script
  • listening and appraising more gospel music
  • developing our racket skills in tennis
  • developing our knowledge of non fiction features
  • answering comprehension questions on a text
  • discussing strategies for making up with friends
  • roleplaying situations using a variety of these strategies
  • playing routines on the samba drums and accompanying percussion instruments

Strategies to make up with friends suggested by the class 

During the Ash Wednesday service Ivo and Hector got their ashes for the first time

Lots of active exercise and play at Adventure, including some role play of enslaved people and masters inspired by our topic

On Friday our Primary 7 pupils attended the ASL Super 7s event at the Emirates stadium. They were absolutely fabulous and performed faster than any other school attending! We are all very proud in Class 2 🙂


*Class assembly – important homework!*

Class 2 have their class assembly along with Primary 6/7 next Thursday (March 5th).

They will be performing the song ‘Lean on me’ as part of this assembly and need to practice the words of this for homework (lyrics are in the homework pouch)every day this week and next week so they know the words by heart, without looking at them.

Tomorrow we will finalise our script for the learning we are sharing as part of the assembly and some of the children will have an individual speaking part. These words should also be practised every day for homework so they are learnt by heart without having to read the words.

Thank you for your support with this homework and we look forward to seeing you next week for the assembly!


Our learning 21.2.20

An extremely busy week in class 2. Here is some of what we have been learning –

  • alternative ai spelling
  • identifying when we use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks
  • punctuating sentences with full stops, exclamation marks or question marks
  • identifying question words
  • counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s
  • answering times tables questions with increasing confidence and speed
  • discussing the lyrics and meaning of ‘Lean on me’
  • how to sing ‘Lean on me’
  • discussing non-fiction features in our books
  • answering comprehension questions about our books
  • hitting and catching a tennis ball
  • discussing different microbes – what a fungi, virus and bacteria are
  • attending and participating in a ‘wedding’!

Focus on question mark and exclamation mark

Our different multiplication work – using practical resources, drawing pictures, answering worksheets by counting in patterns and using games on the computer

Alternative ai words

 We chose from fungi, bacteria and virus when making our microbes out of playdoh

Miss Hunter’s wedding assembly featuring Kit as the groom, Kayden as father of the bride,  Mariam as the minister and Khadija as the bridesmaid!


Miss Hewitt was very excited to have been invited along to Big Noise to see Mariam play her violin and sing in her after school club 🙂

As if all wasn’t that enough! After patiently (most of us!) waiting all week on Friday before lunch we finally found out where we were going on our top secret special trip – to see Miss Hunter coming out from her wedding! Everyone had a fabulous time seeing the very beautiful bride and getting a hug from the new Mrs Creevy.


Have a well deserved rest this weekend and see you next week for some more fabulous learning 🙂




Our learning 6.2.20

Here is some of what we have been learning this week –

  • reading information from graphs with different scales
  • continued discussions about Dobby as an enslaved person
  • creating a character profile
  • revising all our diagraphs in phonics
  • identifying features of non-fiction texts
  • answering questions about non-fiction texts
  • building our racket skills in tennis
  • conducting a microbes experiment
  • using our i-pad to share our learning through videos and photos

Our completed tables and pie charts created on the I-Pads

Out thoughts after reading about and watching videos of the character Dobby. We used these notes to create our character profiles.

Counting sounds and syllables in our phonics words

Some drama and dressing up at Lin  Park!

Working in teams to carry out our microbes experiment showing why it is important to wash your hands with soap



Our learning 31.1.20

Some of our learning this week  –

  • what is a complete sentence, part of a sentence and run on sentence
  • creating a table on the I-pad and inputting data
  • creating a pie chart to display data on the i-pad
  • discussing what we know about the topic slavery
  • investigating the character Dobby from Harry Potter as a enslaved person
  • listening to gospel music and discussing the link of this music style to slavery
  • finding and keeping the pulse in a song
  • reading, spelling and writing with the ‘ar’ phonic
  • writing the letter r and R correctly

Reminding ourselves of the different types of sentences

Creating a pictogram with the information we had gathered in our table

Our initial thoughts about slavery

Learning how to use the numbers app on the I-pad to create a table and then a pie chart

Completed edited tables and pie charts

Some of our ‘ar’ words

Doing some keeping the pulse activities in music



Our learning 24.1.20

This week we spent a lot of time learning and perfecting our performance of ‘Touch the Sky’ for the Burns assembly. We worked with our friends in P6/7 for this and those of you that were able to make the performance will know we were fabulous!

Watching Primary 3’s dance performance

Our performance of ‘Touch the sky’

Some of our other learning from this week was –

  • punctuating sentences correctly using full stops
  • creating bar graphs with a tittle, scale and labels
  • investigating pictographs
  • counting in 2s, 5s, 3,s and 4s
  • learning the er phonic sound
  • developing our throwing, catching and rolling skills with a tennis ball
  • creating a warm watercolour sunset picture

Warm watercolour background, blending the colours

Our amazing collection of er words that we spelled correctly ourselves 🙂





Our learning 17.1.20

It has been a busy week again in Class 2. Here is some of what we have been learning this week –

  • thinking of rhyming words
  • reading information from tally charts
  • creating graphs from information in tables
  • collecting our own data using a table and tally marks
  • discussing where full stops go in sentences and punctuating a passage
  • tennis ball skills
  • counting in 3s
  • getting faster at doubles and near doubles sums
  • learning the lyrics and tune to ‘touch the sky’
  • spelling and reading ue phonics and writing sentences with these words
  • completing our morning and night time routines with daily hygiene tasks
  • revising  and acting out our comfortable and uncomfortable feelings
  • reading and answering questions in what we’ve read to show our understanding

Some of our thoughts on our new maths topic


Gathering data on our table using tally marks

Our completed tables which we will use to create a graph next week

Some of the PATHS feelings we discussed and acted out this week

Have a lovely weekend 🙂




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