Wednesday 20th May

Hi Class 1 – hope that you’re all well. Today is supposed to be a beautiful day so spend as much time outside as you can if you can! My weather app says it will be 21 degrees so I might need to get my paddling pool out! I am also planning on going a nice big walk in nature. Sometimes when I’m feeling rubbish I like to spend time outdoors and that always makes me feel a bit better!

9am PE

Yoga (try this outdoors if you can)!

Literacy 9:30-10:30

Use Vooks to select a story of your choice. As you listen, think about your favourite character in the story. Can you draw them? Can you draw where you think they might live?

It’s been a while since we’ve used Vooks and they have recently updated their site with lots of new stories.

The class log in details are below, this makes the audio book service completely free.


Password- cosmickid11

10:30-11:15: Break Time


11:15-12:15: Maths

Have a go at this blast off game from topmarks.

Afterwards, you could practise your number formation on these formation sheets. If you don’t have a printer, you can use the sheets as a guide and practise in your jotter.

Number Formation

12:15-1pm: Lunch

1-1.30 pm: Fine Motor Skills

You can use this easy recipe to make playdough and then do some playdough disco to build up the tiny muscles in your hands! this is one of my favourite things to do!

Recipe : 1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water
1 cup flour
food dye (any colour, be creative!)
newspaper to cover the surface you’re working on!!


Have a look at this video Mrs. Pattie made with her children! They created a pavement sensory walk! Maybe you could do this same out in the sunshine?

 Here are some more examples for inspiration!

Sensory Trays - Gratnells Learning Rooms

Mass. School Introduces Sensory Walk To Help Students Learn - The ...Sensory Walk at Holy Cross Catholic School - YouTube

2:30-3pm: Story and chat

At the end of each day, we will send you stories to listen to/read. Some of these will be read by your lovely St. Albert’s teachers, others might be by famous authors. To get ready for the story:

  • Get a snack and a drink
  • Get somewhere comfy – on cushions/sofa/bed, under a blanket
  • Get one of your parents or a brother/sister to listen with you

Here are today’s stories:

Here is Miss Graham reading Eric Makes a Splash – which is what I am away to do right now!

Please send me anything you are doing at home so that we can stay connected with each other!

Miss you all!

Miss K xx


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