Our Weekly Reflection…..

Here are some of the things that we have enjoyed during our learning journey this week….

Farah: I enjoyed learning how to divide by 6. I am good at it now!

Yusuf: I really enjoyed Ben coming in to tell us stories. I liked his stories about Clota and the Caliac. I also liked the game we played were we pretended to be Kelpies.

Fatimah: I have enjoyed doing division because it is helping me to learn my tables too!

Ismaeel: I enjoyed learning about the River Clyde and the Ship building because it was really interesting and I felt inspired.

Bashayer: I liked writing because it is fun. I also liked doing Scottish dancing. it was lots of fun.

Idris: I liked when we got to go under the sea with Ben and when he told us stories. I also liked the treasures he brought in too.

Antony: I liked getting to try harder Maths with Miss Fortieth.

Eshal: In Maths, I liked measuring angles because it is fun to me.

Hasan: I enjoyed learning about the treasures that Ben had found in the Clyde.

Umar: I enjoyed learning about decimals. I like that it is challenging and I can do it.

Jalal: I liked doing the Perfect Pavlova Grammar because it was an interesting subject.

Maryam: I enjoyed listening to the stories of the Clyde with Ben because I got to see all of the treasures that had been found there.

Sadeem: I enjoyed doing my Grammar work because I got to try and find fruits and vegetables for every letter of the alphabet. it was fun!

Idris: I enjoyed Ben’s singing.


Here are some pictures of our Storytelling with Ben!


One thought on “Our Weekly Reflection…..”

  1. I really love storytelling time becuase you get to hear story’s like the river clyde story and you get to play as a Kelpie and play with clay it really Awsome bye

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