Shubbe reports on her Lockerbie Manor experience…

On the 24th – 26th, March 2017 I went to a residential trip with my class called Lockerbie Manor. We also went with Ibrox Primary. This is what went on while I was there…….

When we first arrived, we were a bit too early so we got our luggage from the coach and we played out in the garden for about 15-20 minutes. Then, one of the instructors told us where to go to get to our rooms. We didn’t do much in our rooms we just put our luggage in and we had to go straight back out so they could tell us the rules and put us in our groups. I was in group 2. After that, we had to go get ready for our group’s first activity, climbing. I was the only person in my group to get to the top of the rock climbing wall which I was very proud of. Next, it was dinner time. The menu was on a whiteboard in colourful writing. The breakfast menu doesn’t change, but the lunch and dinner menus did. For dinner I had tomato and basil pasta, which had some glorious melted cheese on it. Dessert, was EVEN better. It was donuts with chocolate on them, and a custard/vanilla filling. They were ABSOLUTELY scrumptious!! Then it was free time; we could choose to go outside and play or stay in our rooms and play. We chose to go outside and play in the garden. We played football, tag, but we also just ran around enjoying the unusual but beautiful sunny weather. Nobody was allowed to wear outdoor shoes in the manor, so we didn’t get the floors dirty! I didn’t bring 2 pairs of shoes so I just wore my slippers inside. Our room number was A12, but we had to switch rooms to A08 because in that room there were 7 boys and 6 beds and there were only 5 girls. I thought it was an upgrade but it took a while for the others to warm up to the idea…..

This is just a bit of what happened during my stay at Lockerbie Manor. I thought it was an amazing life-changing trip. I would definitely go back again if I had the chance.

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