Hamza’s Lockerbie Manor tales…

We were all set for Lockerbie Manor. On the bus was Ibrox Primary, they were coming too. The bus was noisy. Once we reached it, we went to our rooms. I was with Abdullah, Bilal. S, Ali, Aman and Muzzamil. The manor was like an A38 jet.

Our first activity was paddle boarding. It was hard to balance on the board, then we done kayaking. I went near the middle of the water then, poof, I fell off the boat! I had a shock. I couldn’t breathe properly, it was my least favourite activity! At night, we done wall climbing. I didn’t take part because of my leg L The very next day we woke. Me, Bilal and Abdullah were awake first at 6.15am. I told Abdullah and Bilal to jump on Ali to wake him up! We were all awake and then we got breakfast. I had hash browns and beans on toast, so then we got ready for our first activity. It was kayaking and canoeing. I didn’t take part in that because…I HATE WATER SPORTS!!! So I sat down taking photos for Miss Newall. After that, I was happy because we were doing archery. I got a bulls-eye, I was delighted! Then we had an evening walk. The next day we did abseiling and I didn’t do it. Our last activity was rifle, I liked it!

When we reached the bus, we said “goodbye”. When we were 39 miles away from Glasgow the driver popped on Capital and we sang along to the songs. When we reached Glasgow I was happy, and then we went home.

The End

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