All posts by Mrs Jess

Weekly Information – 22nd September 2022


Everyone in Fife is committed to supporting school attendance. Please click here to read some information from Fife Council on attendance procedures for our school: Attendance – what you need to know

It’s Just One Day!  Random absences, not just those on consecutive days of school, matter. Before you know it – just one or two days a month can add up to nearly 10 percent of the school year.


Nursery attendance is not compulsory in law but Nursery parents should always tell us if their child will be off, just as primary parents do and we will be in touch to check all is well if we haven’t heard from you.

Building Blocks: Attendance matters as early as nursery. Children who miss too many days in nursery can struggle later with learning and friendships.



Safety on School Grounds

I have recently updated the school Traffic Management Plan which helps keep us all safe on school grounds. Please click here to read the plan and check you know the safety procedures. In particular, please remind your child never to cut through the school car park – this includes when picking up from after-school club. Many thanks for your support.


Flu Vaccines

P1-7 and Staff Flu vaccines will be given on 7th October. Your child will only receive the vaccine if you completed and returned the yellow NHS form. You can still return the form to the office if you haven’t done so yet.

Harvest Service

We are going to need to reschedule this as we have the Flu vaccines on 7th. I will confirm the new arrangements as quickly as I can.





Weekly Information – 9th September 2022


It was a busy assembly today. We started by reflecting on the life of the Queen and the changes that are going to come now.

We spoke about the football match on Wednesday – what a pleasure it was for me to see the pupils from both schools playing so well together. I felt proud of both teams and we celebrated their success and teamwork at assembly today.

We celebrated some children who have been spotted living our school values and we also celebrated this week’s birthdays – we do this each week at assembly now.

Finally, we presented the badges to the newly appointed House Captains and welcomed them to their roles.

Weekly Information – 2nd September

Football Match

There will be a match between Balmerino and Wormit on Wednesday 7th at 4pm on the pitch at Gauldry. Gilbert Valentine has chosen the Wormit team and you will have received an advice note if your child was selected. Gilbert is responsible for the Wormit team – this has not be logged by the school as an outing and all enquires about transport or arrangements should be made to him. I will be at the match for the full time and an looking forward to cheering both teams on! All Wormit families are welcome to come up to Gauldry to spectate.



Don’t forget to send your potato photos in by 1st October. They can be sent in either via the Parent Council Facebook page or to If you’ve already harvested and cooked your potatoes and didn’t take pictures, you can still tell Parent Council about your harvest, location/container and your potato recipe. Only photos shared on Facebook or sent to the Parent Council email address will be included in the competition – if you have also sent photos to a school email address, please re-send to Parent Council to make sure they have it. If you have recently joined the school and/or haven’t grown your own potatoes, you can still join in by sharing a potato recipe and picture of your dish.

Weekly Information – 19th August 2022

It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school this week. A special welcome to our new families. Over the coming weeks and months we are looking forward to having parents come into school. We will be planning dates for the year in advance and these will come out shortly.

Information for P1-7 Parents

I have sent home a sheet today with each child to give footwear and PE arrangement and school holiday dates. Last year parents told us they would appreciate this information as a paper copy. It is also available here: Information for P1-7 Parents

Data Check and General Permissions – for action by all parents

These forms will come home in an envelope on Monday. The data check shows the information we currently hold – please check it is still up to date and make any changes by hand using a coloured pen if possible (it helps us spot the changes if they are not in black!) Please sign the data check on both pages to confirm it is correct. The general permissions form needs to be completed so that we know we are following your wishes while your child is in our care. Please send both forms back in (using the same envelope) by end of day on 29th August. This will help us get all systems up to date.

Netball and Running Clubs – info for P5-7 parents

These after-school clubs will restart at the beginning of September.  P5-7 parents should look out for more information coming home with their child. Netball will be a Monday and Running a Friday. Thank you to our parent helpers who make this possible. If spaces are tight, we will give priority to the older children.




17th June 2022 – Round Up

It feels like a while since I have sent a weekly information sheet. As you know this has been a busy term and I was off sick for a couple of weeks. We have sent a lot of emails because we felt you needed some information directly and quickly, rather than through the weekly sheet. This is a round up of what has been happening and is going to be happening before we break up for the summer.

Things we have done:

  • Nursery staff have been busy supporting transition for the new children coming in and for the pre-school children who are going onto P1. Mrs Steven has also been busy getting to know next years’ P1 class.
  • P7 have had three transition days to Madras.
  • P1-6 have had a transition session where they met their new class and worked with their new teacher.
  • 10 P6/7 pupils attended a football tournament at Leuchars PS where they competed against other pupils and lived our school values to the full.
  • 4 P3/4 pupils attended a Madras Cluster tennis tournament in St Andrews and represented the school well.
  • Running Club has continued after school and netball club has started. The Running Club attended a cross-country event and did very well.
  • Our Girls Can (an initiative to encourage girls to continue to participate in sport) has been running in P7 as a lunchtime club.
  • The boys football team had a match again Liff Primary School and the girls played against Greyfriars and Canongate – thank you to Gilbert Valentine who arranged this through the Saturday Football Club which he continues to run (now back on Big Park) to the benefit of the school.
  • P5 Youth Music Performance
  • P1-7 Run for Refugees which raised a whopping £3050 for Disasters Emergency Committee.


Things we are looking forward to:

  • Sports Day – parents invited to attend – information came home via email
  • P7 Show – the children will all see the show in school next week and parents have had an email about seeing it.
  • End of Year Service – you have received information about this via email
  • Finding out who has won the House Cup!
  • Nursery/Playgroup Puppet Show
  • Parent Council Uniform Swap – please drop any further donations into school before 9am on Monday morning. The uniform will be laid out ready for you to collect (free or for a donation to Parent Council fund) on Friday 24th June.
  • Parent Council Treasure Hunt – please see info in the email that was sent today.



P1-7 assemblies have continued each week and we have celebrated those children who have been spotted living our school values and they have brought certificates home. When I have not been able to attend assembly, Mr Rose has stepped in to make sure this keeps going.  If you have emailed me to nominate your child for a headteacher award due to an achievement out of school and they haven’t received a certificate yet, this is an oversight on my part – please resend your email and I will make sure your child gets their award next week. My inbox got a little busy while I was off sick so I apologise if any email was missed.


Weekly Info 19th May 2022

Well Done..

…to the P6/7 running club who have had a successful day out to a Cross Country Event in Kirkcaldy. Thank you to Mr Rose and the parent helpers who gave them this great experience.


Jubilee Lunch – 1st June

The children be having a picnic lunch on 1st June to celebrate the Jubilee. You can either send your child with a packed lunch or order the Jubilee School Lunch in the usual way (iPayImpact for P1-7 and in Nursery for those pupils).

P1-7 children are invited to come to school wearing Red, White or Blue. No uniform needed. They will eat on Big Park.

Nursery Parents will get details of the Nursery plans via Seesaw.


Parent Council

There will be a Parent Council Meeting in school on Tuesday 31st May at 6.30pm. All parents of the school and nursery are welcome to attend to share ideas and get involved.The Parent Council currently has co-chairs, a secretary and a treasurer but there are openings for ordinary members – if you are keen to get involved in the wider life of the school, please consider standing for membership.The Parent Council have recently set up a Facebook Page – please like it to follow their activities and news from the school. The Facebook Page is now embedded in the School website and you should be able to see it on every page and post including this one. Most devices will let you view the content even if you are not logged in to Facebook and don’t have an account.


Open Afternoons

Thank you to all who came along – it was wonderful to have you all back in school.



Weekly Information – 29th April 2022

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 2nd May – School Holiday

Thursday 5th May – In-service Day – school closed to pupils for staff training

Monday 9th May – Madras Guidance Staff Visiting P7

Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th May – Open Afternoons (more information below)

Friday 27th May – P1-7 Sponsored Run for Ukraine (more information below)

Friday 3rd June – Additional Holiday for Jubilee

Monday 6th June – School Holiday

During week beginning 7th June – House Sports Competitions

Tuesday 14th- Thursday 16th June – P7s to Madras for Transition Days – more info to follow

Wednesday 22nd June – 6.30pm – P7 Show in school hall – all P7 families welcome (subject to confirmation of restrictions easing by Fife Council)

Thursday 23rd June – Sports Day – parents are invited to come and watch at 1.30pm

Friday 24th June – reports coming home (pre school Nursery Children and P1-7)

Thursday 30th June – End of Year Service – details to follow – I am hoping to invite all parents but it will be dependent on us securing the right size of venue

Thursday 30th June – last day of term – school finishes at 3.05pm and nursery finishes at 3pm


Open Afternoons

*Please note: these will go ahead subject to Fife Council confirming we can invite parents into the buildings for events. They have not yet done this as the Scottish Government Covid Threat Level remains at Moderate not Low.*

On Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th May, Nursery – P7 parents and children are invited to come to drop in between 3.30 and 4.30 to walk through the school. In P1-7 you will be able to view the children’s work from their ‘Being an Artist’ theme and all parents will be able to visit the nursery which was refurbished in August. This will be a wonderful chance for you to at last see the inside of the building, your child’s class and work. There will be a one system to avoid any large gathering inside – information about this will follow. Staff will not be present to keep numbers at the right level but Mr Rose and I will both be there to make sure people know where to go. I am greatly looking forward to putting faces to name – please do introduce yourself to me when you see me.

Please note that you will need to use steps to access the classroom areas – if any parent has mobility problems and needs help with this, please contact me.


P1-7 Sponsored Run for Ukraine

On 27th May, all P1-7 children will be taking part in a sponsored run in support of Ukrainian Refugees. You are invited to come to school to watch your child run if you would like:

P1-3 at 10am

P4&5 at 1.30pm

P6&7 at 2.15pm

We are working as a team and aiming to raise £1000 for Disasters Emergency Committee. Please sponsor the team if you can. You can click on this link or use the QR code. Please share with friends and family who you think might like to be involved.


P1-7 School Values

At Assemblies on a Friday, we celebrate children who live our school values and give them a certificate. This includes children who have an achievement out of school. If your child has a personal achievement, please email me at to nominate them for an award.

Weekly Information – 22nd April 2022

Saturday Football (for Information)

Please remember the sessions are back at Wormit PS on Big Park from tomorrow.  Further info came by email earlier in the week.


Message from Active Schools (for Information)

I just wanted to pass on some information that I have received about a local SFA football session for pupils aged 4-9 years old at Waterstone Crook Sports Centre. I have attached the poster for reference for specific days and times.
Thank you,
Madison Garland


Information for Parents about Next term (Term 4 2022)

Dear Parents,


A few things for you to know about in advance, for next term:


P1-7 Cloakrooms

All children will be keeping their belongings in a cloakroom from 18th April onwards. For P3 and P4, this will mean a change to the door they come in and out of. P3 will use the same door that P1 and P1/2 currently use (the one by the main entrance) and P4 will use the same door that P5 currently use. Click here to view a map to show the doors all pupils will use. Your child’s teacher will go over this with them this week. There is no change for Nursery yet.


P1-7 Shoes

Please continue to send your child to school in a pair of shoes that are suitable for all day wear including outdoor play and PE. They should also bring a pair of shoes for indoor PE, with their PE kit. We are going to get everyone used to the cloakroom routine before we starting having them changing shoes each time them come in. We are getting new carpets in the summer so this will start in August. There is no change to shoes for nursery.


Drop Off/Pick Up – Parents on School property

I have not yet had confirmation from Fife Council that we can invite a greater number of parents onto school property so, at this point, I need to continue to ask that only Nursery, P1 and 2 parents come into the grounds. I am hopeful that this will ease into next term and I will communicate this to you when the change can happen. But for 18th April, please assume this mitigation is still in place – I won’t contact you in the holidays with a change, only once term has begun.


Face Coverings/Social Distancing on School Property

For 18th April, please assume these mitigations are still in place.  My understanding is that once the legal requirement for face coverings in public places is removed, there will remain contexts (including schools) where the guidance will be that face coverings still be worn. I am expecting, therefore, to need to advise you to keep wearing a face covering on school property (including at drop off and pick up) and I will continue to ask you to maintain distance from those not in your household. But I will share changes to this advice when I get them.


P1-7 Theme: Being an Artist

All primary classes will be working on this theme in the first weeks of term, learning about an artist and their work. We will be preparing displays of work to share. We are hopeful that we may be able to invite parents into school to tour the building and see the displays but if not we will share them virtually. We are awaiting guidance about this and will share further details early next term.



We are hopeful that things will ease next term so that we can invite you inside. This will likely lead to changes for drop off and pick up which we will share with you as soon as we can but please assume things will stay as they are on 18th April.


Ukraine Fundraising

We are going to hold a fundraiser for Ukrainian refugees next term. Details will follow but I am letting you know about this now because I know many of you might want to discuss this with your child before it is discussed in school. Our discussions will be about how we can help those who have needed to leave their homes, we won’t focus on warfare or the political situation in any depth.


Sports Day

Will go ahead next term and we expect to be inviting parents to attend – we will set and share a date for this early in the term to give you good notice.


I am going to post these details on the school website for reference. I am sending them today so that there is time for you to come to me with any questions before term ends on Friday. I will be in touch with updates on or soon after 18th April.


I wish all our families a happy holiday, when it comes, and would like to extend a sincere thank you to you all for your support of the school and understanding during the Covid period. While guidance and mitigations remain in place, I am very hopeful that things will ease next term and I look forward to being able to meet many of you and get to know your family a bit better.


Kind regards

Lucy Jess




Weekly Information – 25th March 2022

Child Protection – for information (all families)

On the in-service day, all staff had child protection refresher training. Our updated policies and procedures are available here. All children will bring home a copy of the leaflet in their school bag today.


School Car Park – for information and action (all families)

A polite reminder that the school car park is only for staff use. Parents dropping off and picking up should not drive into the car park as space is very limited. There is no pedestrian access to the car park – please don’t walk through it and please don’t allow your child to. There is always a risk of moving vehicles.


Easter Library Activities next week – for information (all families)

Please click here to find out more.


Covid Restrictions Easing – for information (all families)

All parents received a copy of the latest letter from Jason Leitch yesterday. In light of restrictions easing there will be changes next term and I will be in communication with you about these from next week onwards.